Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Bullseye (Lester) (Earth-12121) Daredevil End of Days Vol 1 1

Bullseye kills Daredevil

Matt's early years were seemingly identical to those of his Earth-616 counterpart. After the Kingpin, who had previously been driven out of New York City by Matt's efforts, returned via a deal with the feds, Daredevil, determined to keep Fisk out of New York no matter the cost, confronted and brutally murdered the crime lord in front of a large crowd, an act that ostracized him from his fellow superheroes. Afterwards, Daredevil disappeared for several years, reappearing to do battle with his old enemy Bullseye, who succeeded in finally killing him. His last word was "Mapone", later revealed to be his daughters name.[1]

At some point, Daredevil seemingly fathered children with all of his former lovers, including Milla Donovan,[2] Elektra Natchios,[2] Mary Walker,[2] and Maya Lopez.[2]

It was later revealed that, in his final years, Matt had been grooming Timmy Lange as a successor to the Daredevil mantle, recognizing his own mortality and wishing that the work he did as Daredevil not die with him.[3] Before his final battle with Bullseye, he told Timmy that his old mentor Stick would be reincarnated into a new form to help him when he needed it most. Unbeknownst to Timmy, Stick's reincarnated form would be Matt's own daughter by Black Widow, Mapone Romanova.[4]

See Also

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