Marvel Database

Appearing in "Six-Gun Thunder!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Rawhide Kid #11

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Matt Dawson

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Six-Gun Thunder!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Rawhide Kid #11

The Rawhide Kid has cornered a young outlaw named Jack Bell in a shack. When Jack uses up all of his bullets, the Kid pretends to have been struck, tricking the boy into coming out. He subdues Jack and believing that the boy can redeem himself asks why he has become an outlaw. Learning that he was forced into the lifestyle by his uncle, Matt Dawson, the Rawhide Kid invites Jack to come back to his home to stay with him and his ward Randy Clayton and get his life back in order.

Jack instantly takes to this new lifestyle and makes fast friends with young Randy who is enthralled with Jack's various stories and his the skills he teaches the young boy. Days later, while Jack is working alone in the barn he is confronted by his Uncle Matt who seeks to drag him back into the outlaw lifestyle, threatening to hurt the Rawhide Kid and Randy if he doesn't. With no choice, Jack goes to the Rawhide Kid and tells him he has to leave. Not understanding why, the Rawhide Kid accepts Bell's decision and wishes him the best of luck.

Dawson then forces Jack to follow him to Shotgun City where he orders the boy to assist him to rob the Stage Depot. However when they arrive, Jack refuses to participate in the robbery turning on Matt at the last minute. Before Dawson can react, the Rawhide Kid storms in with guns blazing, disarming Matt and taking him into custody. As he walks out with Matt as his prisoner, the Rawhide Kid tells Jack that he does not have to sorry about his uncle meddling in his chances of starting a new life ever again.

Appearing in "Rawhide Kid"

Reprint of the 4th story from
Rawhide Kid #11

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Tax Evaders

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Rawhide Kid"

Reprint of the 4th story from
Rawhide Kid #11

A gang of outlaws smash the tax office of Shotgun City, escaping with the paperwork the tax collector had been compiling on back taxes and escape. When the Rawhide Kid comes to see what the commotion was about, he learns about the various tax dodgers that are holed up Bushwacker County. When the auditor tells him that the city is in dire need of taxes to pay the school teacher and keep the school open, the Rawhide Kid goes to see Sheriff Ben Yarby to be deputized as a tax collector.

He takes the auditor, Jeb Halloway, along with him as he goes up into Bushwacker County where they catch up to the two men who were responsible for robbing the tax office. There the Kid disarms them and forces the outlaws to take him and Jeb to their employer at the Bar-H Ranch, there the Rawhide Kid shoots the gun out of the rancher's hand and forces him to pay his outstanding taxes. Soon the Kid and Jeb collect all the outstanding taxes. However on their way back to Shotgun City, they are pursued by the various outstanding debtors. The Kid sends Jeb back to town and leads the tax evaders on a wild chase. When they finally catch up with the Rawhide Kid, he explains that he tricked them, sending the money with Jeb back to town knowing they would figure that the money was with the man on the faster horse, thus giving Jeb enough time to get back to town. Realizing they have been outsmarted the ranchers agree to be compliant with their taxes in the future.

Appearing in "Bad-Man's Roost"

Reprint of the 5th story from
Kid Colt Outlaw #44

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Link Stanton
  • Stanton's Gang
    • Kane

Other Characters:

Races and Species:


  • Shady Corners

Synopsis for "Bad-Man's Roost"

Reprint of the 5th story from
Kid Colt Outlaw #44

Kid Colt is riding along the trail when he is approached by his young friend Jamie Watson who needs help. The young buy explains that Link Stanton and his gang have taken over the entire town of Shady Corners. The boy explains that everyone in town has been taken hostage and Link has threatened to kill everyone in town unless the posse that is after them lays off. Kid Colt agrees to help the boy liberate the town.

Meanwhile, in Shady Corners, Link and his men force the mayor to deliver their message to the posse waiting outside of town for them, threatening to kill the townspeople in order to force his compliance. As the mayor approaches the posse and tells them what has happened, Kid Colt approaches and offers his aid. However, one of the posse recognizes the famous outlaw and the Marshal tries to apprehend him, Kid Colt easily disarms him and flees into Shady Corners, hoping to turn this sudden development to his favor.

Being chase into town in a hail of bullets, Kid Colt manages to convince Link Stanton to believe that Kid Colt might also join their group. This perception allows Kid Colt to get close enough to Link and his men. When Link offers to let Kid Colt joint up with them, the outlaw hero refuses and guns disarms Link and guns down some of his men. As Kid Colt fights off Link with his bare hands, it inspires the locals to fight back and they rush Link's confused gang members. With Link and his gang defeated, the people of Shady Corners thank Kid Colt for his help, but the Kid points out that it was young Jamie Watson who helped save the day. As the people celebrate the young boy, Kid Colt quietly rides out of town.

Appearing in "Shootout in the Silver Mine!"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Two-Gun Kid #50

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Boss Torbull

Other Characters:

Races and Species:


  • Silvertown

Synopsis for "Shootout in the Silver Mine!"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Two-Gun Kid #50

The Two-Gun Kid is heading to Silver Town when he is ambushed by some men waiting outside town limits, they tell the stranger to leave town. When the Kid tells them he has business in town they laugh at him, but the Kid begins shooting easily destroying their weapons. As he continues on his way he is warned that their employer Boss Torbull will not like to hear what he did.

In town, the Two-Gun Kid meets up with Sue Lester who was the one who wrote to him asking for aid. She tells him that her husband Ned was injured in a cave in at the local mine and that he is laid up in bed for the next few weeks. When the Kid asks what he can do to help, Sue suddenly clams up when Boss Torbull arrives to talk to the Two-Gun Kid. Torbull tells the Kid he does not like strangers in his town and strikes the Kid down. He then orders his men to take the Kid's guns and force him to work in the mine. Unarmed, the Two-Gun Kid is forced to agree without a means to defeat himself.

When Torbull leaves, Sue tells the Kid that her husband was forced into working in the mine like everyone else in town when they were driven into debt and were forced to work there to pay it off, and worse, Boss Torbull does not pay to upkeep the mine leading to the injuries to the minors, however without proof they cannot put him in jail. The Two-Gun Kid promises to get Sue the proof she needs.

The next morning the Two-Gun Kid reports for work at the mine and he is forced to go down without a head lamp. When he is told that there are lanterns down below, the Kid points out that if there is gas down in the mine it could cause an explosion, but is forced into the mine anyway. Down in the mine, the Kid also notices that the supports are cracked and rotting. When one of the guards threatens to shoot the Kid, Two-Gun smashes the lantern plunging the mine into darkness and ruining his shot. Taking the shotgun, the Kid rallies the other workers and then sends Boss's men to get him.

When Boss and his men arrive they enter the mine to get the works back to work, but the Kid gets the drop on them from behind. He then forces Boss and his men to go deep into the mine. When Boss panics he begins to shoot his gun, the sounds causing the supports to give way. The Kid and Boss's men manage to get away, but Torbull is caught in the cave in. With the gang arrested and Torbull dug out and put into custody as well, the Kid leaves the people of Silver City to establish a legitimate lawman.


  • Two-Gun Kid Clay Harder was redrawn here as "Matt Hawk" despite the total incoherence. Later accounts established that in Earth 616 exist duplicated accounts of both Harder and Hawk adventures (possibly because of dime novel neglect) and that the Clay Harder account has more validity. [1]
  • By the same way, the Original Rawhide Kid had his hair recoloured to try to pass him as Jonathan Clay, despite the total incoherence with the story of both characters. Rawhide Kid's handbook entries establishes that the both Rawhides existed in Earth-616 and were different people.

See Also

Links and References

