Marvel Database

Appearing in "Then What Are Gods?!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Then What Are Gods?!"

Thor and Hercules travel to the Black Galaxy and meet the High Evolutionary’s New Immortals. Count Tagar evolves himself even further and Nobilus escapes. High Evolutionary tells Thor that Nobilus was grown from Thor’s own cells, and Thor tells him that he was infused with the essence of Loki at the time.

Appearing in "The Secret of the Endless Circle"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Secret of the Endless Circle"

Odin tells Heimdall that Ragnarok is upon them and Ymir must be stopped.


  • The first story is reprinted in the trade paperback Thor: Black Galaxy Saga.


  • One of the panels on this comic shows the creation of one of the New Immortals —apparently Zon, who is the only female New Immortal to be shown, although in later appearances Zon has flame-like hair instead of the hair shown here. The panel is clearly inspired by Botticelli's 15th-century paiting The Birth of Venus, showing how the goddess Venus emerges from an oyster as a full-grown woman.
Botticcelli from Mighty Thor Vol 1 422

Left: Botticcelli's Birth of Venus. Right: Ron Frenz's birth of a New Immortal.

  • There are several visual references to the Star Wars saga in this issue. The High Evolutionary's probe robot looks exactly like the Imperial probe droid from Empire Strikes Back. Evolutionary's octagonal prison corridor mimics the Death Star's prison corridor. The scene where Thor confronts the High Evolutionary from the opposite end of a long table directly references Han Solo's confrontation with Darth Vader on Bespin in Empire Strikes Back.

See Also

Links and References

