Marvel Database

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Image Template/doc

local p = {}
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs 
local h = require("Module:HF")
local SC = require("Module:StaffCorrection")
local reality = require("Module:Reality")
local design = require('Module:Design')
local standard = require("Module:StandardizedName")
local pagetype = require("Module:PageType")

function p.main(frame)
	local args = getArgs(frame)
	local pagename = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
	local reprint = false
	local value
	local categories = {}
	local group = {}
	local reprint_message = ''
	local reprint_content = ''
	local output_categories = {}
	local output_infobox = {}
	local output = {}
	table.insert(output_categories, 'Templated Images')
--check if image is a reprint
	value = args['ReprintOf']
	if not h.isempty(value)
			reprint = true
			value = 'File:'..string.gsub(value, 'File:', '')
			if h.exists(value)
					reprint_message = design.messagebox({'This image is reprint of '..value..'.'})
					reprint_content = h.get_content(value)

-- infobox
	value, categories = p.lua_get_image_license(args['License'], reprint_content)
	table.insert(output_categories, categories)
	table.insert(output_infobox, design.add_infobox_row('License', value) )

	value, categories = p.lua_get_image_type(args['ImageType'], reprint_content)
	table.insert(output_categories, categories)
	table.insert(output_infobox, design.add_infobox_row('Image type', value) )
	value, categories = p.group_reality_and_subjects(args, reprint_content)
	output_categories = h.join_tables(output_categories, categories)
	table.insert(output_infobox, value)
	value, categories = p.group_source_and_creators(args, reprint_content)
	output_categories = h.join_tables(output_categories, categories)
	table.insert(output_infobox, value)
	table.insert(output_categories, p.lua_get_outdated_fields(args) )

-- sections
	table.insert( output, '__NOTOC__' )
	table.insert( output, design.add_section('Description', args.Description, 2) )

	value = '\n* All [[Marvel Comics]] characters and the distinctive likeness(es) thereof are Trademarks & Copyright © 1941-''*t').year..' Marvel Characters, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.'
	if not h.isempty(args.Notes)
		then value = value..'\n'..args.Notes
	table.insert( output, design.add_section('Notes', value, 2) )
	table.insert( output, design.add_section('Trivia', args.Trivia, 2) )
	value = '\n* [[Marvel Database:Image Policy|Our Image Policy]]\n* [[Marvel Database:Copyrights|Our Copyright Policy]]\n* [[Marvel Database:General disclaimer|General Disclaimer]]'
	value = value..'\n*\n*\n*'
	value = value..'\n*'
	value = value..'\n*\n*'
	value = value..'\n<references/>'
	table.insert( output, design.add_section('Links and References', value, 2) )

	output_infobox = design.create_infobox( table.concat(output_infobox) )
	output_categories = h.add_categories(output_categories)
	output = table.concat(output)
	return output_categories..frame:preprocess(output_infobox..output)

function p.lua_get_image_license(value, reprint_content)
	local license = {
	['gfdl']					= { 'GFDL', 'GFDL' },

	['pd']						= { 'Public Domain Images', 'Public Domain' },
	['public domain']			= { 'Public Domain Images', 'Public Domain' },

	['fair use']				= { 'Fair Use Images', 'Fair Use' },
	['fairuse']					= { 'Fair Use Images', 'Fair Use' },

	['cover']					= { 'Fair Use (Comic Covers)', 'Fair Use (Comic Cover)' },
	['comic cover']				= { 'Fair Use (Comic Covers)', 'Fair Use (Comic Cover)' },
	['comic covers']			= { 'Fair Use (Comic Covers)', 'Fair Use (Comic Cover)' },
	['cover art']				= { 'Fair Use (Comic Covers)', 'Fair Use (Comic Cover)' },

	['csp']						= { 'Fair Use (Comic Single Panels)', 'Fair Use (Comic Single Panel)' },
	['panel']					= { 'Fair Use (Comic Single Panels)', 'Fair Use (Comic Single Panel)' },
	['single panel']			= { 'Fair Use (Comic Single Panels)', 'Fair Use (Comic Single Panel)' },
	['comic single panel']		= { 'Fair Use (Comic Single Panels)', 'Fair Use (Comic Single Panel)' },
	['comic single panels']		= { 'Fair Use (Comic Single Panels)', 'Fair Use (Comic Single Panel)' },

	['cs']						= { 'Fair Use (Comic Scenes)', 'Fair Use (Comic Scene)' },
	['scene']					= { 'Fair Use (Comic Scenes)', 'Fair Use (Comic Scene)' },
	['comic scene']				= { 'Fair Use (Comic Scenes)', 'Fair Use (Comic Scene)' },
	['comic scenes']			= { 'Fair Use (Comic Scenes)', 'Fair Use (Comic Scene)' },

	['cp']						= { 'Fair Use (Comic Pages)', 'Fair Use (Comic Page)' },
	['page']					= { 'Fair Use (Comic Pages)', 'Fair Use (Comic Page)' },
	['comic page']				= { 'Fair Use (Comic Pages)', 'Fair Use (Comic Page)' },

	['tc']						= { 'Fair Use (Trading Cards)', 'Fair Use (Trading Card)' }, --Trading Card Images
	['card']					= { 'Fair Use (Trading Cards)', 'Fair Use (Trading Card)' }, --Trading Card Images
	['trading card']			= { 'Fair Use (Trading Cards)', 'Fair Use (Trading Card)' }, --Trading Card Images
	['trading cards']			= { 'Fair Use (Trading Cards)', 'Fair Use (Trading Card)' }, --Trading Card Images

	['novel']					= { 'Fair Use (Novel Images)', 'Fair Use (Novel Image)' },
	['novels']					= { 'Fair Use (Novel Images)', 'Fair Use (Novel Image)' },
	['book']					= { 'Fair Use (Novel Images)', 'Fair Use (Novel Image)' },
	['books']					= { 'Fair Use (Novel Images)', 'Fair Use (Novel Image)' },

	['game']					= { 'Fair Use (Game Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (Game Screenshot)' }, --Video Game Screenshots
	['games']					= { 'Fair Use (Game Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (Game Screenshot)' }, --Video Game Screenshots
	['video game']				= { 'Fair Use (Game Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (Game Screenshot)' }, --Video Game Screenshots
	['video games']				= { 'Fair Use (Game Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (Game Screenshot)' }, --Video Game Screenshots
	['videogame']				= { 'Fair Use (Game Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (Game Screenshot)' }, --Video Game Screenshots
	['videogames']				= { 'Fair Use (Game Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (Game Screenshot)' }, --Video Game Screenshots
	['game screenshot']			= { 'Fair Use (Game Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (Game Screenshot)' }, --Video Game Screenshots
	['game screenshots']		= { 'Fair Use (Game Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (Game Screenshot)' }, --Video Game Screenshots
	['video game screenshot']	= { 'Fair Use (Game Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (Game Screenshot)' }, --Video Game Screenshots
	['video game screenshots']	= { 'Fair Use (Game Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (Game Screenshot)' }, --Video Game Screenshots
	['videogame screenshot']	= { 'Fair Use (Game Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (Game Screenshot)' }, --Video Game Screenshots
	['videogame screenshots']	= { 'Fair Use (Game Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (Game Screenshot)' }, --Video Game Screenshots

	['film']					= { 'Fair Use (Movie Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (Movie Screenshot)' }, --Movie Screenshots
	['movie']					= { 'Fair Use (Movie Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (Movie Screenshot)' }, --Movie Screenshots
	['movie screenshot']		= { 'Fair Use (Movie Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (Movie Screenshot)' }, --Movie Screenshots
	['movie screenshots']		= { 'Fair Use (Movie Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (Movie Screenshot)' }, --Movie Screenshots

	['tv']						= { 'Fair Use (TV Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (TV Screenshot)' }, --TV Screenshots
	['tv screenshot']			= { 'Fair Use (TV Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (TV Screenshot)' }, --TV Screenshots
	['tv screenshots']			= { 'Fair Use (TV Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (TV Screenshot)' }, --TV Screenshots

	['database']				= { 'Fair Use (Database Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (Database Screenshot)' }, --Database Screenshots
	['database screenshot']		= { 'Fair Use (Database Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (Database Screenshot)' }, --Database Screenshots
	['database screenshots']	= { 'Fair Use (Database Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (Database Screenshot)' }, --Database Screenshots

	['software']				= { 'Fair Use (Software Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (Software Screenshot)' }, --Software Screenshots
	['software screenshot']		= { 'Fair Use (Software Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (Software Screenshot)' }, --Software Screenshots
	['software screenshots']	= { 'Fair Use (Software Screenshots)', 'Fair Use (Software Screenshot)' }, --Software Screenshots

	['promo']					= { 'Fair Use (Promotional Materials)', 'Fair Use (Promotional Material)' }, --Promotional Material
	['promo material']			= { 'Fair Use (Promotional Materials)', 'Fair Use (Promotional Material)' }, --Promotional Material
	['promo materials']			= { 'Fair Use (Promotional Materials)', 'Fair Use (Promotional Material)' }, --Promotional Material
	['promotional material']	= { 'Fair Use (Promotional Materials)', 'Fair Use (Promotional Material)' }, --Promotional Material
	['promotional materials']	= { 'Fair Use (Promotional Materials)', 'Fair Use (Promotional Material)' }, --Promotional Material
	['promotional']				= { 'Fair Use (Promotional Materials)', 'Fair Use (Promotional Material)' }, --Promotional Material

	['movie poster']			= { 'Fair Use (Movie Posters)', 'Fair Use (Movie Poster)' }, --Movie Posters
	['movie posters']			= { 'Fair Use (Movie Posters)', 'Fair Use (Movie Poster)' }, --Movie Posters

	['merch']					= { 'Fair Use (Merchandise Images)', 'Fair Use (Merchandise Image)' }, --Merchandise Images
	['merchandise']				= { 'Fair Use (Merchandise Images)', 'Fair Use (Merchandise Image)' }, --Merchandise Images
	['merchandise image']		= { 'Fair Use (Merchandise Images)', 'Fair Use (Merchandise Image)' }, --Merchandise Images
	local info = { 'Unlicensed Images', 'Unlicensed' }
	local category = ''
	local text = ''
	local output_category = ''
	local output = ''

	if reprint_content ~= ''
		then value = h.get_field_value(reprint_content, 'License')

	if not h.isempty(value) and license[string.lower(value)] ~= nil
		then info = license[string.lower(value)]
	output = h.LinkToCategory(info[1], info[2])
	if reprint_content ~= ''
		then output_category = info[1]

	return output, output_category

function p.lua_get_image_type(value, reprint_content)
	local image_type = {
		['cover']				= { 'Cover Art Images', 'Cover Art Image' },
		['cover art']			= { 'Cover Art Images', 'Cover Art Image' },

		['wraparound cover']	= { 'Wraparound Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Wraparound) Image' },
		['wrap-around cover']	= { 'Wraparound Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Wraparound) Image' },
		['wrap around cover']	= { 'Wraparound Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Wraparound) Image' },
		['wraparound']			= { 'Wraparound Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Wraparound) Image' },
		['wrap-around']			= { 'Wraparound Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Wraparound) Image' },
		['wrap around']			= { 'Wraparound Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Wraparound) Image' },
		['foldout cover']		= { 'Wraparound Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Wraparound) Image' },
		['fold out cover']		= { 'Wraparound Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Wraparound) Image' },
		['fold-out cover']		= { 'Wraparound Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Wraparound) Image' },
		['folded cover']		= { 'Wraparound Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Wraparound) Image' },
		['fold out']			= { 'Wraparound Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Wraparound) Image' },
		['foldout']				= { 'Wraparound Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Wraparound) Image' },
		['fold-out']			= { 'Wraparound Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Wraparound) Image' },
		['gatefold']			= { 'Wraparound Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Wraparound) Image' },
		['gate-fold']			= { 'Wraparound Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Wraparound) Image' },
		['folded']				= { 'Wraparound Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Wraparound) Image' },

		['variant cover']		= { 'Variant Covers', 'Cover Art (Variant) Image' },
		['variants cover']		= { 'Variant Covers', 'Cover Art (Variant) Image' },
		['variable cover']		= { 'Variant Covers', 'Cover Art (Variant) Image' },
		['variant']				= { 'Variant Covers', 'Cover Art (Variant) Image' },
		['variants']			= { 'Variant Covers', 'Cover Art (Variant) Image' },
		['variable']			= { 'Variant Covers', 'Cover Art (Variant) Image' },

		['solicit']				= { 'Solicit Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Solicit) Image' },
		['solicits']			= { 'Solicit Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Solicit) Image' },
		['solicit cover']		= { 'Solicit Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Solicit) Image' },
		['solicits cover']		= { 'Solicit Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Solicit) Image' },
		['solicitation cover']	= { 'Solicit Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Solicit) Image' },
		['solicitations cover']	= { 'Solicit Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Solicit) Image' },
		['solicitation']		= { 'Solicit Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Solicit) Image' },
		['solicitations']		= { 'Solicit Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Solicit) Image' },

		['textless']			= { 'Textless Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Textless) Image' },
		['no text']				= { 'Textless Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Textless) Image' },
		['textless cover']		= { 'Textless Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Textless) Image' },
		['no text cover']		= { 'Textless Cover Images', 'Cover Art (Textless) Image' },

		['2nd printing cover']	= { 'Second Printing Variants', 'Cover Art (2nd Printing) Image' },
		['2nd printing']		= { 'Second Printing Variants', 'Cover Art (2nd Printing) Image' },
		['second-printing cover'] = { 'Second Printing Variants', 'Cover Art (2nd Printing) Image' },
		['second printing cover'] = { 'Second Printing Variants', 'Cover Art (2nd Printing) Image' },
		['second-printing']		= { 'Second Printing Variants', 'Cover Art (2nd Printing) Image' },
		['second printing']		= { 'Second Printing Variants', 'Cover Art (2nd Printing) Image' },

		--['trading card']		= { 'Trading Card Images', 'Trading Card Image' },
		--['trading cards']		= { 'Trading Card Images', 'Trading Card Image' },
		--['card']				= { 'Trading Card Images', 'Trading Card Image' },
		--['tc']				= { 'Trading Card Images', 'Trading Card Image' },

		--['episode']			= { 'Episode Images', 'Episode Image' },

		['character']			= { 'Character Images', 'Character Image' },
		['character image']		= { 'Character Images', 'Character Image' },
		['char']				= { 'Character Images', 'Character Image' },

		['teams']				= { 'Team Images', 'Team Image' },
		['team']				= { 'Team Images', 'Team Image' },

		['vehicles']			= { 'Vehicle Images', 'Vehicle Image' },
		['vehicle']				= { 'Vehicle Images', 'Vehicle Image' },

		['organization']		= { 'Organization Images', 'Organization Image' },

		['item']				= { 'Item Images', 'Item Image' },

		['reality']				= { 'Reality Images', 'Reality Image' },

		['location']			= { 'Location Images', 'Location Image' },

		['event']				= { 'Event Images', 'Event Image' },

		['race']				= { 'Race Images', 'Race Image' },

		['map']					= { 'Map Images', 'Map Image' },

		['scene']				= { 'Scene Images', 'Scene Image' },

		['staff']				= { 'Marvel Staff Images', 'Marvel Staff Image' },
		['staff members']		= { 'Marvel Staff Images', 'Marvel Staff Image' },
		['members']				= { 'Marvel Staff Images', 'Marvel Staff Image' },
		['marvel staff']		= { 'Marvel Staff Images', 'Marvel Staff Image' },

		['non marvel']			= { 'Non-Marvel Images', 'Non-Marvel Image' },
		['non-marvel']			= { 'Non-Marvel Images', 'Non-Marvel Image' },

		['user image']			= { 'User Images', 'User Image' },
		['user']				= { 'User Images', 'User Image' },

		['logos']				= { 'Logo Images', 'Logo Image' },
		['logo']				= { 'Logo Images', 'Logo Image' },

		['site']				= { 'Site Images', 'Site Image' },
	local info = { 'Images of Unknown Type', 'Unknown Type' }
	local output_category = ''
	local output = ''

	if reprint_content ~= ''
		then value = h.get_field_value(reprint_content, 'ImageType')
	if not h.isempty(value) and image_type[string.lower(value)] ~= nil
		then info = image_type[string.lower(value)]
	output = h.LinkToCategory(info[1], info[2])
	if not reprint
		then output_category = info[1]
	return output, output_category

function p.lua_get_outdated_fields(args)
	local output = ''
	if  (
			not h.isempty(args.ImageType) 
			and h.in_list( {'trading card', 'trading cards', 'card', 'episode'}, string.lower(args.ImageType) ) 
		or not h.isempty(args.Issue)
			then output = 'Outdated Fields'
	return output	

-- *********************		GROUPS		*********************
function p.group_reality_and_subjects(args, reprint_content)
	local reprint = false
	local i
	local value
	local category
	local subjects = {}
	local label = 'Subject'
	local output_categories = {}
	local output = {}

	if reprint_content ~= ''
		then reprint = true

	if reprint
		then value = h.get_field_value(reprint_content, 'Universe')
		else value = args['Universe']
	if not h.isempty(value)
			value = reality.get_reality_info({value, 1})
			category = value..'/Images'
			if not reprint
				then table.insert(output_categories, category)
			value = h.Link(value)
			category = h.LinkToCategory(category, '(Images)')
			table.insert(output, design.add_infobox_row('Reality', value..' '..category) )

	if not reprint
			value = args['Subject1']
			if h.isempty(value)
				then table.insert(output_categories, 'Image Subject Needed')
			elseif string.lower(value) == 'none'
				then table.insert(output_categories, 'No Subject Image')
	if reprint
			for i = 1, 200 do
				value = h.get_field_value(reprint_content, 'Subject'..i)
				if not h.isempty(value)
						category = h.LinkToCategory(value..'/Images', '(Images)')
						value = design.lua_span( h.Link(value) ).italic
						table.insert(subjects, value..' '..category)
	for i = 1, 200 do
		value = args['Subject'..i]
		if not h.isempty(value)
				category = value..'/Images'
				table.insert(output_categories, category)
				table.insert(subjects, h.Link(value)..' '..h.LinkToCategory(category, '(Images)'))
	if #subjects > 0
			if #subjects > 1
				then label = 'Subjects'
			subjects = mw.text.listToText(subjects, '\n', '\n')
			table.insert(output, design.add_infobox_row(label, subjects) )
	return design.add_infobox_group(output, 'Image Contents'), output_categories

function p.group_source_and_creators(args, reprint_content)
	local staff = {'Cover Artist', 'Penciler', 'Inker', 'Colourist', 'Letterer' }
	local reprint = false
	local i
	local j
	local correct_name
	local value
	local category
	local s = {}
	local label
	local output_categories = {}
	local output = {}
	if reprint_content ~= ''
		then reprint = true
	value = args['Source']
	if not h.isempty(value)
			table.insert(output_categories, value..'/Images')
			value = standard.lua_get_link_and_release_date(value)
			table.insert(output, design.add_infobox_row('Source', value) )

	if reprint
		then value = h.get_field_value(reprint_content, 'Medium')
		else value = args['Medium']
	value = design.lua_span(value).italic
	table.insert(output, design.add_infobox_row('Medium', value) )
	if reprint
		then value = h.get_field_value(reprint_content, 'Photographer')
		else value = args['Photographer']
	if not h.isempty(value)
			correct_name = SC.lua_get_corrected_name(value)
			category = value..'/Photographer Images'
			value = h.Link(value, correct_name)
			if not reprint
				then table.insert(output_categories, category)
				else value = design.lua_span(value).italic
			category = h.LinkToCategory(category, '(Images)')
			table.insert(output, design.add_infobox_row('Photographer', value..' '..category) )
	for i = 1, #staff do
		s = {}
		if reprint
				for j = 1, 10 do
					value = h.get_field_value(reprint_content, staff[i]..j)
					if not h.isempty(value)
							correct_name = SC.lua_get_corrected_name(value)
							category = h.LinkToCategory(value..'/'..staff[i]..' Images', '(Images)')
							value = design.lua_span( h.Link(value, correct_name) ).italic
							table.insert(s, value..' '..category)
		for j = 1, 10 do
			value = args[staff[i]..j]
			if not h.isempty(value)
					correct_name = SC.lua_get_corrected_name(value)
					category = value..'/'..staff[i]..' Images'
					table.insert(output_categories, category)
					category = h.LinkToCategory(value..'/'..staff[i]..' Images', '(Images)')
					value = h.Link(value, correct_name)
					table.insert(s, value..' '..category)
		if #s > 1
			then label = staff[i]..'s'
			else label = staff[i]
		table.insert(output, design.add_infobox_row(label, mw.text.listToText(s, '\n', '\n')) )

	return design.add_infobox_group(output, 'Source and Creators'), output_categories

return p