There is no need to thank me. Others have often seen me as a villain, Kei Kawade, but that is not how I see myself. Any strife I have caused here on the surface world was to protect my children. And now they are gone... and I am alone.
Appearing in 1st story
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Smasher
- Subterraneans
- Slizzik (Unmerges from Smasher)
- Aegis (Unmerges from Smasher)
- Mekara (Unmerges from Smasher)
- Scragg (Unmerges from Smasher)
- Hi-Vo (Unmerges from Smasher)
Other Characters:
- Lady Hellbender
- Orrgo (Photo)
- Minouru Kawade
- Deanna Kawade
- H.E.R.B.I.E.
- Damage Control
- Avengers (Mentioned)
- S.H.I.E.L.D.
- Agent Dum-Dum Dugan
- Numerous unidentified agents
- Tricephalous (Drawing)
- Giganto (Drawing)
- Numerous unidentified Deviant Mutates (Drawing)
Races and Species:
- Humans
- Seknarfians (Unnamed)
- Androids
- Monsters
- Leviathons
- Human-Inhuman Hybrids
- Mentelleronites (Photo)
- Robots
- Inhumans (Mentioned)
- Moloids
- Unidentified alien species
- LMDs
- Deviant Mutates (Drawing)
- Earth
- New Intelligencia's headquarters (Destruction)
- Mu
- Kawade Home
- Subterranea (Mentioned)
- New Intelligencia's secondary headquarters (Mentioned)
- Seknarf Nine (Mentioned)
- Bloodstone
- Mole Man's Staff
- Shatter Sword
- Pym Particles (Mentioned)
Synopsis for 1st story
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
• The NEW INTELLIGENCIA’s cards are on the table and KID KAIJU is reeling from the implications.
• Will AEGIS, MEKARA, SLIZZIK, SCRAGG and HI-VO become the heroes they were created to be?
• It’s an all-out brawl for the fate of the five newest characters in the Marvel Universe!Notes
- Elsa Bloodstone is seen with her Bloodstone choker, despite having the stone on her hand at the time.[1]