Marvel Database



Monte Carlo is the administrative area of the Principality of Monaco. It is located on the French Riviera of the Mediterranean Sea. It is home to the famed Monte Carlo Casino.[1] It is a regular "hot spot" for the for the rich and famous of the world.

Modern Age[]

Tony Stark came here to see Jeanne, but he couldn't stay for a moonlight swim, having to charge up his iron chest plate back at the hotel[2].

Some time later, Count Nefaria employed Morgan Stark in a plot to destroy Tony Stark, in exchange for forgiveness of his gambling debts. Having failed in destroying Tony's reputation and turning him mad with the Visio-Projector, Morgan was taken back to Count Nefaria's casino to get punishment[3].

As Tony Stark returned to Monte Carlo hoping to forget the death of Janice Cord by gambling, he was confronted by Jasper Sitwell, who had just recovered a mask with Whitney Frost and Stark's fingerprints on it; Stark eventually confirmed that Whitney Frost was alive[4].

Deadpool (Wade Wilson) visited Monte Carlo with Montgomery. During their visit, they gambled and beat Batroc the Leaper (Georges Batroc), which lead to a battle between Batroc and Deadpool.[5]

Silver Sable visited the Nuages Argentés Casino in Monte Carlo to meet with her contact. But the contact was already dead when she arrived. However, she met private investigator Dominic Fortune, who gave her vital information for her investigation in exchange for working along with him tracking those same rogue agents.[6]

Spider-Man battled and defeated Cyclone in the Monte Carlo Casino.[1]


See Also

Links and References

