From the ONE ABOVE ALL sprang all Creation, and all things within were made and governed by His will... the single spark of life that sprang from no creator, only from itself: the MOTHER OF HORRORS.
The Mother of Horrors is an entity that came from existence by herself, without any intervention from the One Above All, the creator of all reality and the Multiverse.[2] Resenting the One Above All for dominating reality, the Mother Of Horrors claimed and hid the Earth from Him, and created two children to rule by Her side, her Eldest child and her son Udru, the latter who was created to directly challenge the One Above All. When the One Above All discovered the Earth and laid eyes on Udru, He became enraged and manifested for the first time as His dark counterpart, the One Below All, who ripped apart and disfigured Udru and chained the Mother of Horrors.[2]
From the existence of the One Above All sprang all of creation, however one day, a being came into existence by itself without his intervention and knowledge, who called itself The Mother of Horrors. The Mother of Horrors resented the One Above All for dominating over all of existence and decided that the planet Earth, to which she was bound to, would not know His rule, only hers and that of her children. She created her oldest child but also another being that she designed to challenged the One Above All, which she named Udru, meaning "Brighter than He".[1]
Invisibility to the One Above All: The Mother of Horrors, at the time of her creation, was invisible to the omniscience of the One Above All, having defiled the Earth for a long time until he personally came to witness it.[2]