The Cadets and I went to bust some kid who was planning to melt his own high school and I was totally cool with it but then I found out this kid is my friend and he hasn't actually done anything wrong yet and now I don't know what to do --
Appearing in 1st story
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Josh Richardson (Name revealed)
- Carol Cadets
- Jonah
- Heather
- Becky St. Jude
- Marco
- Unnamed members
- Alpha Flight
- Captain Marvel (Col. Carol Danvers)
- Unidentified members (Behind the scenes)
- Bruno Carrelli (Apparent death)
- Nakia Bahadir
- Zoe Zimmer
- Tyesha Hillman-Khan
- Aamir Khan
- Hijinx
- Numerous unnamed detainees
Other Characters:
- Muneeba Khan (Only in flashback)
- Muneeba's mother (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
- Aisha (Mentioned)
- Kareem (Mentioned)
- Mr. Richardson
- Mrs. Richardson
- JCPD (Mentioned)
- Mrs. Zimmer (Mentioned)
- Mr. Zimmer (Mentioned)
- Ulysses Cain (Mentioned)
- Yusuf Khan
Races and Species:
- Humans (Main story and flashback)
- Human-Inhuman Hybrids
- Human-Kree Hybrids
- Earth (Main story and flashback)
- Asia (Only in flashback)
- North America
- United States of America
- New Jersey
- Jersey City
- Hamilton Park
- Nelson Place
- Richardson Family Residence
- Coles Academic High School (Mentioned)
- Nelson Place
- Waterfront
- Carol Cadets' Warehouse (First appearance) (Destruction)
- Grove Street
- Hamilton Park
- Jersey City
- New Jersey
- Canada (Mentioned)
- United States of America
- Earth Orbit
- Alpha Flight Low-Orbit Space Station
- Aerolith
- Conference Room
- Alpha Flight Low-Orbit Space Station
- Secret Wars (Mentioned)
Synopsis for 1st story
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
• As war intensifies, tragedy strikes too close to home for Ms. Marvel.
• Growing pains become all too real and Ms. Marvel must choose between her heroes and her home.
• Don’t miss one of the most important Civil War tie-in stories!