Marvel Database

Quote1 Ladies and gentlemen of the assembly, I present to you the one man capable of leading us in this war to end all wars... Doctor Victor von Doom, President for Life of the United Latverian States! Quote2
—UN Speaker

Appearing in "Once Upon a Time"

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Synopsis for "Once Upon a Time"

Uatu gives the backstory of the Goblin Force, it absorbed the Phoenix Force and killed Galactus before being contained by the Fifth Host of Celestials. (They couldn't kill it). It was reborn in Madelyne Pryor, and is attempting to grow in power again.

The United Nations asks Doctor Doom to lead them in a war against the United States, (namely the Goblin Queen), and as his naval fleet is threatened with destruction, Havok and Magneto step in and call on a favor from Namor to save them.

The team of heroes attempts to attack the Goblin Queen, but Alex's consciousness is pulled into the dream plane by Scotty's, where Scotty wishes the Goblin Entity away, ending its reign and apparently killing his mother.

Solicit Synopsis

  • In this double-sized special issue we learn the true origin of the GOBLIN QUEEN, HAVOK and the heroes rally their forces - and they're joined by their surprise ally, the benevolent ruler of Europe, VICTOR VON DOOM!


  • First Giant Size (52 pages long).

See Also

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