I learned something, down in Hell. My destiny is not written in stone, and as long as I remember that I have allies...I will prevail against Krang. I will always prevail.
Appearing in "Namor Goes to Hell (Part Three)"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Atlantean kings
- Kam'u (Mentioned)
- Elders (Mentioned)
- Seemingly Rithea (Also appears in statue)
- Zalphir, Iron Scorpion (Also appears in statue)
- Unnamed kings (Also appear in statues)
- Commander Krang
- Selach
Other Characters:
- Silurian Legion (Mentioned)
- unnamed Atlanteans and Lemurians
- Emma Frost (Mentioned)
- Doctor Nemesis (James Bradley) (Mentioned)
- Oudvrou
Races and Species:
- Mutants
- Atlanteans
- Humans
- Atlantean-Human Hybrids
- Hell-Flowers (First appearance)
- Possibly Centaurs
- Snakes
- Insects
- Birds
- Hell
- Earth
- Hydrobase (Mentioned)
- New Atlantis
Synopsis for "Namor Goes to Hell (Part Three)"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
NAMOR GOES TO HELL concludes! Abandoned by his greatest ally, Namor finds his escape from the desert netherworld blocked by an army of demonic creatures. To regain his humanity, the King of Atlantis will have to overcome his deepest inner fears -- and that's nothing compared to the shock waiting for him back on Earth.