Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Snowbird's LMD was one of the many LMDs created for the Project Doppelganger. They were all transformed into Deadpool's LMDs by Master Matrix, but when the original Deadpool LMD reactivated the Matrix, the latter re-transformed them into their original aspect.
Puck, Feral, Snowbird and Bishop (Project Doppelganger LMD) (Earth-18236) as Richard Parker, Mary Fitzpatrick, May Reily and Benjamin Parker (Earth-18236) from Spider-Man Deadpool Vol 1 34 001

Transformed into one of Spider-Man's relatives

Snowbird's LMD was later transformed by the Matrix into one of Spider-Man's relatives, but was killed by Deadpool.[1]


While her costume design is that of Snowbird, it has been colored for the Scarlet Witch

See Also

Links and References

