Marvel Database


Nelson Rockefeller was the President of the United States of America on Earth-712 when the Avengers were transported there by Hugh Jones. Like Jones, Rockefeller was under the control of the Serpent Crown. He ordered the Army as well as the Squadron Supreme to capture the Avengers, but they not only managed to escape, but also stole the crown from him.[1] The Avengers then captured Rockefeller and impersonated him to make the Squadron aware of the fact that he was under the Serpent Crown's control.[2] After the Squadron publicly denounced him,[3] he was ousted from office.

Nelson Rockefeller was killed along with the other natives of Earth when this reality was destroyed.[4]


  • Although President Nelson Rockefeller was initially presented as the leader of the Cadre Cartel, the corporate heads who had fallen under the mental domination of the Serpent Crown, it was later revealed that he was only a pawn of the Serpent Cartel whose actual leader was Gregory Hungerford Gideon[5]

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