Marvel Database

Quote1 Do you know what the worst weapon I ever built was? It was a gun that turned us into them. Quote2


In an early counter-Dire Wraith initiative run by the U.S. Government's D.O.D. Forge was contracted to study the fabled Galadorian hunter/killer technology used by the eponymous Spaceknight Rom.[1]

To a degree, the renowned inventor Forge was able to create a simulacrum of which based on his own design and what he could learn from studying Rom's Neutralizer. Having been able to fabricate his own power negating prototype which, in theory, could normalize any kind of superhuman it is directed at. Be they're abilities mutate, inhuman or even mutant based in nature.[1] Yet the device was untested and it's creator was not comfortable on applying it to a live subject as of yet.

This would not stop Val Cooper from turning over the only working prototype to a government director by the name of Henry Peter Gyrich who wished to use it against the mutant terrorist affiliate known as Rogue. Forge was both unsettled and enraged by such a breach of his trust, opting to head out and stop the unsanctioned use of a potentially fatalistic design of his and headed out to prevent a tragedy.[2]

Gyrich would test the weapons efficiency on the newly empowered Anna Marie whilst she and Ororo were on vacation in the Mississippi Banks of Caldecott County. The Neutralizer barely had an effect on her due to the hybridization of her mutant physiology due in part to her absorbing Ms. Marvel's powers some time back. Plus the fact that Gyrich had been using it at minimal power.

Finally having had enough of the melodrama however, the governmental advocate would crank up the handguns power supply to maximum with the intent of depowering Rogue for good. Instead her partner Storm took the hit and lost her abilities as a consequence.[2]


By the time of the mutant nation of Krakoa, Forge had come to consider the Neutralizer to be the worst weapon he ever built.[3] Nevertheless, he kept a Neutralizer in his lab.[4]

When Emma Frost learned that one of the secret founders of Krakoa was Moira MacTaggert, who was secretly a mutant with the ability to reset the timeline upon her death, she decided to take action, angry that Professor X and Magneto, Krakoa's other founders, had hidden this fact.[5]

She revealed this fact to Mystique and Destiny, and gave them a Neutralizer. The two promptly kidnapped Moira and used the gun on her, planning to de-power and kill her in order to "lock-in" this timeline and prevent it from being reset.[5] While de-powered, Moira escaped, and would eventually manage to turn the gun on its creator after breaking into Forge's lab. Forge's powers were restored by the Five.[6]

After the fall of Krakoa, the gun remained in Forge's now abandoned lab. Sabretooth lured Wolverine to the lab and used the gun to de-power him, planning to finally kill his rival, but was stopped by the Exiles.[7]



  • Forge's iteration of the Neutralizer could not effect Dire Wraiths in the same manner that an Axadar of the Spaceknights could at first.
  • Forge would go onto fashion a specialized Neo-Neutralizer in order to galvanize Rom's living device in order to capitulate banishing the entirety of Wraith World to Limbo.
  • All conceived plans for the Neutralizer created by Forge's hand for the government were all but destroyed after the wraith invasion.

See Also

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