It got what it wanted. And I guess you got what you wanted too, Vic. No more Tiger God. No more magic amulet. I'm human again. I'm powerless.
Appearing in "Fearful Symmetry"
Featured Characters:
- W.H.I.S.P.E.R.
- The Maker (Reed Richards)
- New Revengers (First appearance)
- White Tiger (Angela Del Toro) (Joins)
- Asti the All-Seeing
- Vermin (Edward Whelan)
- Skar (First appearance)
- Paibok (First appearance)
- Angar the Screamer (David Angar) (First appearance)
- Unnamed agents
- Tiger God (Merges with a Tiger God from an alternate reality)
- Tiger God (alternate reality) (Merges with Tiger God)
Other Characters:
- The Hand (Mentioned)
- A.I.M. (Mentioned)
- Squamorr, the Eldritch Man (Mentioned)
- Federico Fellini (Mentioned) (Topical Reference)
- Audrey Hepburn (Mentioned) (Topical Reference)
- FBI (Mentioned)
- Avengers Academy (Mentioned)
- Semyon Kirlian (Mentioned) (Topical Reference)
Races and Species:
- Prime Marvel Universe
- Ultimate Universe (Mentioned)
- Unidentified alternate reality (Mentioned) (Home to alternate Tiger God) (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "Fearful Symmetry"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
• The Maker is back! But what does the strange head of W.H.I.S.P.E.R. want with the White Tiger?
• And while we’re at it – WHICH White Tiger?
• Angela Del Toro is back in the suit! But is she friend or foe? And what does this mean for Ava Ayala?