Marvel Database
Marvel Database
Marvel Database
The designation "Earth-TRN841" used in this article is unofficial , used by this wiki for internal purposes only until an official designation is provided by Marvel.
(For more information on TRNs, go to this page).


The Underground were an assembly of heroes that weren't captured by the Manipulator; the members of the Underground, initially, called themselves the "Fantastic Four" (or "the New Fantastic Four"). The Underground tried to kill the Manipulator using atomic bombs, but the only results were the mutations of Wolverine, Puck, and Mole Man. When Deadpool and Spider-Man were displaced to this reality, they joined the Underground,[2] and they tried together to defeat the Manipulator, but Puck, Wolverine, Crystar, and Deadpool were apparently killed; while Spider-Man, Silk, and Deborah were captured.[3] The Underground reappeared when a time-comics traveling Deadpool needed help to fight the Manipulator in an unknown reality.[1]

See Also

Links and References

