Marvel Database

Quote1 The X-Terminators ride again! Sort of. Quote2
Wiz Kid

Appearing in "Pawns of Senescence (Kings of Pain, Pt. 1)"

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Synopsis for "Pawns of Senescence (Kings of Pain, Pt. 1)"

On the grounds of St. Simons Academy in Vermont, a group of mutants known as the Alliance of Evil swiftly crushes the security and an abused child known as Piecemeal and his keeper Harness walk in and absorb a large amount of ambient energy. Wiz Kid, Artie, and Leech try to stop them unsuccessfully and are injured in the process. The new members of X-Force, led by Cable, devise a plan to counterstrike against the Alliance and find out why they are moving along the East Coast crushing everything in their path. The IDIC Corporation, a bizarre company that hired the Alliance, is overseeing an absorption process that could have consequences for both Advanced Idea Mechanics (A.I.M.) and Genetech. X-Force find the Alliance in Niagara Falls and soundly beat them, but Harness and Piecemeal escape again after absorbing another load of ambient energy. Using information extracted from the Alliance, Cable leads the troops to Genetech HQ, knowing only that this is a “cellular reconstruction” assignment. They force their way into the inner sanctum of the building, but as they find the computer room, they are stopped by the New Warriors. The two teams prepare to battle.

Appearing in "The First Cut (Killing Stroke, Pt. 1)"

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  • Iraqi tanks

Synopsis for "The First Cut (Killing Stroke, Pt. 1)"

Freedom Force begins a commando assignment into Iraq, to obtain the German scientist Reinhold Kurtzmann and bring him to the Allied forces. The team stops an Iraqi tank patrol and begins taking out guards, killing everyone. They find the location they were heading for to obtain the doctor, but find it empty. Too late, they realize that they are trapped, and Crimson Commando is injured and Super Sabre is beheaded. As Blob and Pyro cry out for the villains to show themselves, a group appears out of thin air, announcing itself to be the Desert Sword.

Appearing in "Close Encounters of the Mutant Kind"

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  • Wiz Kid's Spaceship (Destruction)

Synopsis for "Close Encounters of the Mutant Kind"

Artie, Leech, and Wiz Kid celebrate a Thanksgiving concert with Cyclops and Jean, and Taki decides to cheer up the other two by giving them a ride on his new flying saucer. The saucer scares some of the locals, including Ida Fassbender, a UFO fanatic. As the locals are frightened and prepare to kill the “aliens,” Ida stops them, and takes the children into her home. Leech mistakes her for his dead mother, and Ida promises that though she can’t be a mother to them, she can still be their "Grammie" and they can visit anytime.


  • Part of the Kings of Pain event.
  • The second story arc is followed in these comics:
  1. New Mutants Annual #7
  2. X-Men Annual #15
  3. X-Factor Annual #6
  • This issue includes pin-ups of X-Force and the New Mutants, as well as a New Mutants organizational chart:


  • The book that Ida Fassbender is reading when Wiz Kid's spaceship flies by is a real book named, "Communion", by Whitley Streiber. The author's first name is misspelled as "Whitely".

See Also

Recommended Reading

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