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Marvel Database

I... am very pleased to meet you, David.

Appearing in "Soulwar"

Featured Character(s):

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  • Jets (All inside Legion's mind; Destruction)

Synopsis for "Soulwar"

Professor X and the New Mutants are inside Legion's mind, working their way to the center with the help of Legion's personalities Jack Wayne and Cyndi, where they will face off against another personality, Jemail Karami, whom they believe is trying to destroy the root personality.

There is a short battle before the New Mutants and Professor X realize that Jack Wayne has tricked them. Dani knocks Jack Wayne out, and David Haller is restored to control of his mind.

Meanwhile, in the Bermuda Triangle, Lee Forrester and Magneto spend some quality time together, and in New York, Empath arranges for Magma and Sunspot to be kidnapped.

See Also

Links and References

