Marvel Database

Quote1 Mine is the power to destroy -- but I choose not to. Profit from my example. Quote2

Appearing in "The Times, They Are A'Changin'"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Ricky, Fred and another frat guy

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Synopsis for "The Times, They Are A'Changin'"

Magneto greets the students as their new headmaster. His reception is rather mixed, although the detractors don't say so to his face. He sends them to suit up and head for the Danger Room, where they are to play tag with Magneto: all of them vs him. Later that evening, they repair to Harry's Hideout for some relaxation. Dani decides to walk home, but some sinister frat boys remark on how their "quest for cuties" is over. They ambush her on the road and try to rape her, but Brightwind comes to her aid, chasing them off. Dani escapes back to the mansion, and when Magneto learns what happened he has Brightwind lead him to the vehicle. The New Mutants follow in secret. Magneto discovers them at their frat house, and confronts them, gives them a stern talking to, and tears their house to shreds. When he returns, he finds the New Mutants still up, and they liked what they saw.


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