Marvel Database

Quote1 You guys are sweet. Either that or you're bucking for free coffee. Quote2
Luna DePaula

Appearing in "The Ties that Bind (Part 4): A Few Small Repairs"

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Synopsis for "The Ties that Bind (Part 4): A Few Small Repairs"

Santo suggested to Emma that they have pizza for their advisor meeting, although she insisted that pizza was "for peasants" and brought them French pastries instead. Julian asked Emma about the Hellions and she claimed that the Xavier Institute served Professor X's "dream of peaceful co-existence." Then, Emma allowed the students to pick codenames; Santo became Rockslide, Dallas became Specter, Brian became Tag, and Cessily became Mercury. Julian picked "Hellion", as they were Emma's favorite students, although she disapproved of the name.

Rahne and the four students watched Surge as she was unable to control her powers. Using her powers, Laurie was able to calm her down and they learned that her name was Noriko "Nori" Ashida. Josh offered to heal Rahne, although she refused.

They took Nori to the Xavier Institute Medical Center where Beast observed her. Much to her annoyance, they refused to give her her pills. Dani entered the room and learned that Rahne had taken her advisees on a mission without her permission. Then, Dani gave the four students a week of detention before briefly confronting Rahne. Josh and David argued, as the latter claimed that the former was a "follower", doing whatever it takes to fit in, regardless of the consequences. Then, David gained Dani's permission to visit Luna in the hospital, although only accompanied by a teacher.

David, Sofia, and Laurie went to the Salem Center General Hospital the next morning with flowers for Luna. Cyclops confronted Rahne about the previous night and she revealed that she only came to visit old friends, but insisted on leaving. Cyclops offered to give her her powers back, although she refused before working on her motorcycle and driving off after briefly talking to Dani, as Josh watched and followed her to Harry's Hideaway.

Sofia and Laurie noticed that Josh was missing and the latter female believed that he preferred Rahne to her. Josh and Rahne played pool at Harry's Hideaway, as the latter revealed her origins. Then, Rahne kissed Josh on the cheek. At the Xavier Institute Medical Center, Beast gave Nori gauntlets to help regulate the flow of her power. David offered to give Nori a tour, which she turned down. Then, after encountering Julian, she stormed off.

Rahne drove Josh back to Xavier's and decided that she wanted her powers back. As they shared a kiss, Josh attempted to heal her, although it only brought her powers back and she scratched him with her claws.


  • Surge's real name is revealed to be Noriko Ashida in this issue.

See Also

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