You come demanding answers of me, Jenkins? I am financing your Thunderbolts! Without me, you are nothing! Don't. Ever. Forget. That.
Appearing in "Part Two: The Games People Play"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Wrecking Crew
- Great Game
- Referee (First appearance)
- ⏴ Joystick (Janice Yanizeski) ⏵ (Leaves)
- Polestar (Patrick Trettel) (First appearance)
- Tremolo (First appearance)
- Skybox (First appearance)
- At'La'Tique (Mentioned)
Other Characters:
- Reporter Brie Larmer ⏵ (First appearance)
- Fathom Five (Only in recap)
- Dragonrider (Only in recap)
- Captain Marvel (Genis-Vell) (Only in recap)
- Masters of Evil (Mentioned)
- Hydra
- Spider-Man (Peter Parker) (Only on screen as a static image or video record)
- NYPD (Mentioned)
- Code: Blue (Mentioned)
- ⏴ Purple Man (Erik Killgrave) ⏵
- ⏴ Swordsman ⏵ (First appearance as Swordsman)
- Avengers (Mentioned)
- United Nations
- China Ambassador (First appearance)
- Fantastic Four (Mentioned)
- Hercules (Mentioned)
- Kang the Conqueror (Nathaniel Richards) (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Humans
- Atlanteans
- Kree (Only in recap)
- Olympian God (Mentioned)
- United States of America
- New York
- New York City
- Manhattan
- George Washington Bridge
- Merovech Investment Group Building
- Midtown
- United Nations Headquarters
- Avengers Mansion (Mentioned)
- Brooklyn
- Manhattan
- New York City
- New York
- Atlantis (Mentioned)
- China (Mentioned)
- Latveria, Europe (Mentioned)
- Nega-Bands (Only in recap)
- Mobile Armored Cyber-Harness
- Wrecker's Crowbar
- Satan Claw
- Spider-Man's Suit (Only on screen as a static image or video record)
Synopsis for "Part Two: The Games People Play"
- Synopsis not yet written