Marvel Database

Sofia Mantega (Earth-616) from New Warriors Vol 4 2 001
Sofia Mantega
Quote1 I have a life now. Friends. A job. People who care about me. My other life... is in the past. And the person you're looking for... she no longer exists. Quote2
Donyell Taylor (Earth-616) from New Warriors Vol 4 1 001
Night Thrasher (Donyell Taylor)
Quote1 You sure about that? Quote2

Appearing in "Defiant (Part 2)"

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Synopsis for "Defiant (Part 2)"

Someone is gift-wrapping super-villains for the police. And the only clue to their identity are two spray-painted letters: N.W. Are the New Warriors really back? As the NYPD Costumed Division inches closer and closer to the truth and Stark unveils his master plan for dealing with these juvenile upstarts, the ex-mutant formerly known as Wind Dancer actually makes contact. Up from the grave: Night Thrasher!

See Also

Links and References

