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Marvel Database

Appearing in "Mechamorph"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Mechamorph

Synopsis for "Mechamorph"

Flashpoint attacked the government research center at Plum Island. Nightwatch appeared and attacked the guards, who were shooting Flashpoint. He allowed Flashpoint to break into the building to steal the star-shards, but would not let him kill anyone. Then, Nightwatch locked Flashpoint under doors to prevent radiation from spreading, before the former was cornered by the army and stormed out only, to be stopped by a man named Paul Proust, who knew about the suit. Proust promised Nightwatch to stop the military from chasing him in exchange for being allowed to examine the suit. Later, Kevin lined up outside of Columbus Community Center, in the rain, without a coat, where he encountered Killian Fox. He went inside of the building and became acquainted with Killian. Kevin went to the graves of his parents, where he was attacked by the Mechamorph. He changed into his Nightwatch suit and fought the Mechamorph. Learning that Gauntlet could have sent the Mechamorph after him, he reconfigured it during the fight. Meanwhile, Gauntlet was still in Ryker's Island Penitentiary.

See Also

Links and References

