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Marvel Database

Well, waddaya know! It hath turned into a hammer! And my speech hath turned into a lisp! What goeth on here??

Appearing in "The Origin of Sore, Son of Shmodin"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



Synopsis for "The Origin of Sore, Son of Shmodin"

This story is mostly a parody of Thor's origin from Journey Into Mystery #83. In this version, Dr. Darn Bloke is hiking in the mountains of Norway when he injures his foot. He picks up an umbrella, though when he discovers the umbrella has a moth hole he angrily slams it on the ground, instantly transforming the umbrella into a hammer and himself into the Mighty Sore. The Mighty Sore battles Hokey and visits his father, Shmodin, in the land of Jazzgard. However, Shmodin finds Sore to be much too annoying and he decides to leave Sore in charge of Jazzgard while Shmodin himself leaves for Earth.

Appearing in "The Origin of Brucie Banter... and Friend"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Bitty Ross
  • Slick Jones


  • Thunderbolt Ross

Other Characters:

  • Talbot (Unnamed)


Synopsis for "The Origin of Brucie Banter... and Friend"

In a parody of the Hulk's origin from Incredible Hulk #1, Dr. Brucie Banter develops a formula that he says will solve the air pollution problem in the city. However, when he tries to use the formula he is distracted by a teenage hippie, Slick Jones, and is accidentally transformed into the Inedible Bulk. Slick tries to encourage the Bulk to cash in on his new look and abilities, but the Bulk just wants to be left alone (and hates teenagers). Predictably, the Bulk finds that he can never again lead a normal life and so he returns to Slick to find some relief. Slick has the perfect idea: he gets the Bulk a career in advertising, as the Jolly Green Giant.

Appearing in "The Honest-to-Irving, True-Blue, Top-Secret Original Origin Of Charlie America!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Baron Zemo

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Honest-to-Irving, True-Blue, Top-Secret Original Origin Of Charlie America!"

Knock Furious and Charlie America sit at a soda shop, swapping war stories. When Knock Furious asks Charlie America for his origin story, Charlie tells him everything from his origin to the present day (in typical parodic fashion). At the end of this story, it is revealed that Charlie America was really Bunky Barnes in disguise, and that it was Charlie America, not Bunky, who had died during World War 2.

Appearing in "The Bad Guys All Win!"

Featured Characters:

Synopsis for "The Bad Guys All Win!"

  • Synopsis not yet written

See Also

Links and References

