Marvel Database

Quote1 The universe has a sense of humor and I don't get the joke... Quote2
Nova (Sam Alexander)

Appearing in "Nova"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Nova Helmet (Main story and flashback) (First appearance chronologically)


Synopsis for "Nova"

Above the planet Mooro
42.2 Light years from Earth
Seventeen years ago...
Jesse Alexander arrives just in time to help Titus, Mister Z'zz and The Phlish from the Rigellians. After a brief firefight, Gamora and Rocket Raccoon (who were kidnapped by the Rigellians) hand them a recorder. When more Rigellians show, the Novas (with the two Guardians take them out and attempt to get to their ship, only to be ambushed by an enemy ship. Against Titus' advice Jesse punches through the Rigellian ship, allowing the group to escape. When Jesse asks where's his thanks, Titus shows it by jabbing a burn mark on the human's shoulder.

Present Day
Jesse, now drunk, delusional, and constantly missing.

While searching for his missing father, ordinary teen Sam Alexander fell off his skateboard and hit his head. When he woke up in the hospital, he discovered Gamora and Rocket Raccoon standing over his hospital bed. They too were searching for Jesse.

Solicit Synopsis

The Human Rocket returns! You've followed him through the history making (and changing!) AvX and now the mystery of the all-new Nova are revealed in this breathtaking new ongoing by the best-selling, award winning team of Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness (RED HULK, Avengers X-Sanction). Sam Alexander is a kid bound by the gravity of a small town and a father whose ridiculous, drunken fairy tales about a "Nova Corps" were just another heavy burden in a life full of them. But luckily for Sam Alexander, soon gravity won't even matter. And those troubles? It's like they're a billion miles away.


Kaelynn tells her brother, Sam, to ask their father, Jesse, to tell him the story about the time him and the nova corps painted another ring around Saturn. This contributes to the last comics whereabouts on their lost father.

See Also

Links and References

