Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Officer Gray was a member of the NYPD who went to assist two fellow officers caught in the middle of a fight between Vincent Doonan and Gwenpool in Times Square. Gray found Gwenpool taking cover and tried to arrest her, but Gwen convinced her to prioritize and focus on Doonan. Gwen also asked Gray for her name, so to elevate her from an extra and give her relevance in the story.[1]

After escaping from Times Square and while preparing to fight Teuthidans in Bay Ridge, Gwenpool contacted Officer Gray so the NYPD could evacuate the neighborhood. Once the aliens were defeated, Gwen called Gray to inform her that the police could come for the clean up.[2]

Some time later, Officer Gray was approached at her station by Ted and Martha Poole, who informed her they had received a call claiming Gwenpool was their daughter.[3]

Later Gwenpool was helping Officer Gray with paperwork, but abruptly left when she realized she was running out of pages.[4]

See Also

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