1st profile
Featured Profiles:
- Subterraneans
- Sunfire (Shiro Yoshida)
- Sunspot (Roberto Da Costa)
- Super-Adaptoid
- Super-Skrull
- Supreme Intelligence
- Surtur
- Swarm (Fritz von Meyer)
- Talisman (Australian)
- Taskmaster
- Tatterdemalion (Arnold Paffenroth)
- Texas Twister (Drew Daniels)
- Thena
- Thing (Benjamin J. Grimm)
- Thor
- Thor's Hammer
- Thundra
- Tiger Shark (Todd Arliss)
- Tigra (Greer Grant Nelson)
- Titan
- Titanium Man (Boris Bullski)
- Toad (Mortimer Toynbee)
- Tomorrow Man (Artur Zarrko)
- Trapster (Peter Petruski)
- Triton
- U-Foes
- Ulik
- Ultron
- Umar
- Unicorn (Milos Masaryk)
- Union Jack (Joseph "Joey" Chapman)
- Unus (Gunther Bain)
- Ursa Major (Mikhail Ursus)
Alien Races:
- Tribbitites
- Tsiln
- Wyllys (Referenced)
- Tsyrani
- Tsorcherhi (Referenced)
- Ul'lula'ns
- Vegans
- Vorms
- Vrellnexians
- Xantareans
Appendix Entries:
- Senor Muerte / Senor Suerte (Ramon)
- Senor Muerte (Phillip)
- Senor Suerte (Jaime)
- Serpent Crown
- Serpent-Men
- Serpent Squad I
- Serpent Squad II
- Set
- Seth (Mentioned)
- Shang-Chi
- Shatterstar (Arides)
- Shellshock
- Shocker I
- Shocker II (Randall Darby)
- Shrunken Bones (Mentioned)
- Shuma-Gorath
- Sygmar (Mentioned)
- Sigyn (Mentioned)
- Sikorsky (Mentioned)
- Silver Dagger
- Silver Squire (Mentioned)
- Sir Steel (Mentioned)
- Sise-Neg
- Six-Fingered Hand
- Skull the Slayer (Jim Skully)
- Sligguth
- Slither (Aaron Salomon)
- Smasher
- Smuggler (Erik Josten)
- Snowfall (Ginny Snow)
- Son of Satan (Daimon Hellstrom)
- Sons of Satannish
- Sons of the Serpent
- Sons of the Tiger
- Sphinxor (Mentioned)
- Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew)
- Spinnerette (Mentioned)
- Spirit of '76
- Spitfire (Jacqueline Falsworth)
- Sprite I (Mentioned)
- Sprite II (Mentioned)
- Spymaster
- Squadron Sinister
- Stallior
- Starbolt
- Starcore
- Starshine I (Landra)
- Starshine II (Brandy Clark)
- Star Stalker
- Steel Serpent (Davos)
- Stegron the Dinosaur Man (Dr. Vincent Stegron)
- Stiletto (Tom Stuart)
- Stuntmaster (George Smith)
- Stygyro
- SULTAN (Systematic Ultimate Lawless Takeover of All Nations)
- Sunder (Mentioned)
- Sunturion (Arthur Dearborn)
- Super-Axis
- Supernalia (Mentioned)
- Swordsman
- Tagak the Leopard Lord
- Vormir (Mentioned)
Solicit Synopsis
Marvel's top people, including such noteworthies as Brian Bolland, tell you everything you'll ever need to know about all characters from the Subterranenas through Ursa Major. That includes the Thing, Thor, and other biggies, folks! And remember that direct copies will have no UPC box on the covers!