Marvel Database

1st profile

Solicit Synopsis

Continuing the chronicle of the Marvel Universe, starting with Spider-Man (from AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #385 on), Iron Man (from IRON MAN #315 on) and the X-Men (from UNCANNY X-MEN #364 on). Follow the history of the Marvel universe as it unfolds month by month with the All-New Official Index to the Marvel Universe. Each issue provides synopses for dozens of individual comics, including back-up strips, introducing you to the characters, teams, places and equipment that appeared within, providing vital information about first appearances, where they last showed up and where they appeared next!


Details Amazing Spider-Man #367-401, Amazing Spider-Man Annual #27-28, Amazing Spider-Man Super Special #1, Iron Man #300-332, Iron Man Annual #15, Age of Innocence: The Rebirth of Iron Man, Iron Man Volume 2 #1-7, Uncanny X-Men #-1, 338-375, and Uncanny X-Men Annual '97, Uncanny X-Men and Fantastic Four Annual '98.

  • Also contains a complete chronology for the Crossing/Timeslide event.
  • Each issue contains a list of appearances along with the last and next appearances of characters, items, and locations (both chronologically and by publication date) along with a brief description of any flashbacks and a brief synopsis for the issue along with any pertinent notes and a full credits list for each story.

See Also

Links and References

