Marvel Database


Omnipotence City is a parliament of pantheons built twelve,[1] or four billion years ago,[2] after the First Great War of the Gods. It is said to have been constructed by the Lords of the Dawn, the first elder gods,[2] or their begetters,[3] as a place of divine fellowship and governance, and as a nexus of all gods.[2][3] It was built with trimmings from the clay of creation, and fired with embers that lit the First Sun.[3]

Alternate Versions[]


In the distant future timeline of Earth-14412, Omnipotence City was left derelict and abandoned, falling into ruin; its only living inhabitant Shadrak, who had inherited the position of Lord Librarian. This iteration of Omnipotence City was destroyed when Shadrak sacrificed himself to save the Goddesses of Thunder from King Loki's Necro-Ravens.[4]


In Earth-199999, Omnipotence City was a citadel where pantheons from across the cosmos could gather. Zeus and the Olympians enjoyed a position of prominence, hosting lavish feasts and debauched parties. At one point, the Asgardians frequented Omnipotence City, but by the time of Thor's adulthood no longer did so; with admittance to the city being invitation-only.

Learning of Gorr's deicidal ambitions, Thor, Valkyrie, Jane Foster - who had claimed Mjolnir to become the Mighty Thor, and Korg travelled to Omnipotence City to warn the gods and rally an army to oppose him. Thor was captured and humiliated when Zeus stripped him naked while attempting to remove his disguise. Zeus flirted with Thor but refused to help fight Gorr, afraid of the Necrosword and content to wait until its dark power killed its wielder.

A fight ensued between Thor, Valkyrie, the Mighty Thor, and Zeus' bodyguards that culminated in Valkyrie stealing Zeus' Thunderbolt and the Olympian king being badly injured by Thor. Humiliated by his defeat and furious to learn that mortals revered super heroes more than they did gods, Zeus sent his son Hercules to kill Thor and remind the mortals who they should be praying to.[5]

Points of Interest



Thor: God of Thunder #3 states that the city was built twelve billion years ago, while Mighty Thor (Vol. 3) #12 changed it to four billion years ago.

See Also

Links and References

