Appearing in "Helping Hand"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Duke King
- Ed Spaine
Other Characters:
Synopsis for "Helping Hand"
While out on patrol the Outlaw Kid comes to the aid of a man thrown from his horse and treats his leg with liniment. However when the Kid hears Duke King and his men heading their way, the man he helped suddenly attacks, knocking him out. When the Outlaw Kid comes to, he finds that the man has vanished. Returning to home and changing into his civilian identity of Lance Temple, the Outlaw Kid is shown a wanted poster for a man named Ed Spaine by his father Zane. Lance recognizes Spaine as the man he helped earlier that day. Zane cautions his son and reminds him of his vow of non-violence that he promised to his father.
Meanwhile, Spaine has met up with Duke King and his men who are plotting a bank robbery in Copper City. However Ed suggests that they strike the bank in Norton instead as it has a larger sum of money. That night as the outlaw gang rides into Norton, they are unaware that they are being followed by the Outlaw Kid. The gang stops part way there when their scout comes back and warns them that Norton is crawling with lawmen. Blaming Ed for almost luring them into a trap, Duke knocks him down and is about to shoot Ed when the Outlaw Kid shoots the guns out of his hand.
The Outlaw Kid then easily disarms and subdues the rest of the gang, except for Ed who reveals that he is really a US Marshal who was working undercover. The Kid thne tells Ed that he knew the truth when he found Ed's star in his saddlebag while looking for the liniment and was playing along the whole time.
Appearing in "Gun Law"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Mr. Henshaw
Other Characters:
Synopsis for "Gun Law"
The Outlaw Kid comes to the aid of a young orphan named Tom and his siblings when they are harassed by a man named Stark, who has come to warn the boy to keep his pigs and sheep off the range. The Kid sends Stark packing and learns that Tom has been taking care of his sibling alone ever since his father died, telling the Kid that his father was killed by Stark. Telling the boys that Jed Stark works for Mr. Henshaw, a wealthy land owner, he tells the boys to go stay at the Temple ranch where it is safe while he investigates the situation.
Later when Stark tells Henshaw what happened, Henshaw decides to take matters into his own hands. The following morning he pays a visit to Tom at the Temple ranch. He offers to buy Tom's land for 1000 dollars. While Tom is immediately enticed by the money, Lance steps in and convinces Tom to think it over and send Mr. Henshaw on his way.
That night, made suspicious by Henshaw's interest in the land, Lance changes into the Outlaw Kid to investigate. He arrives just as Jed Stark and some men arrive at the cabin and threaten to destroy it if the boys don't agree to sell. The Outlaw Kid attacks Jed and his men, and during the struggle the Kid saves Jed's life when a boulder almost rolls him over. Thankful for having his life saved, Jed reveals that Henshaw is interested in buying up the land cheap because he learned that a land-buyer for the railroad was going to offer to buy up the land. Suddenly, Mr. Henshaw comes out from behind a tree and tries to shoot Stark, but the Outlaw Kid pushes him out of the way. The Kid then easily subdues Henshaw and turns him over to the authorities.
The next morning, Outlaw Kid is on hand when a representative for the railroad company offers to buy Tom's land for 20 thousand dollars.
Appearing in "Quiet Place"
- Appearances not yet listed
Synopsis for "Quiet Place"
2 page text story.
Appearing in "No Turning Back"
- Appearances not yet listed
Synopsis for "No Turning Back"
Western tale
Appearing in "The Outsider"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Walt Masden
Other Characters:
Synopsis for "The Outsider"
When the shady Walt Masden comes to Caliber City, the Outlaw Kid barges in on him and warns him from causing trouble in his town, easily fighting off Masden's minions before leaving. Undaunted, Walt orders his men to spread the word that he is calling a town hall meeting. That evening, the Outlaw Kid has resumed his guise of Lance Temple and learns from his father that Masden is calling a town hall to rally support to get a new mining company to work out of the town.
Lance accompanies his father to the meeting where Walt convinces the locals to help him invest in a new mine. Lance tries to warn people to be more cautious with their money, but his warnings fall on deaf ears of the locals who think they are going to cash in big by investing in the mine. When Lance continues to press the matter, Walt's minions toss Lance out into the street. Lance is found beat up in the street by his girlfriend Belle Taylor and he tells her what happened as he gives her a ride back home. When Belle suggests that they do something, Lance reminds her of the promise he told his father, disappointing her.
After dropping Belle off at home, Lance races off and changes into the Outlaw Kid to face Masden and his gang. While back in town, Walt and his men prepare to sneak out of town with the money they took from the locals. When they sneak out of their hotel, they find the Outlaw Kid waiting for them with their horses. A gunfight breaks out, but the Outlaw Kid easily manages to disarm Walt's men, rousing people in town. Walt however manages to bodycheck the Kid and get on his horse. However, as he rides away his saddle comes loose sending him flying off the back of his horse and into the waiting hands of the law. In the aftermath of the botched swindle, the Outlaw Kid explains that he loosened the straps on Walt's harness when he brought the horses to them.