Marvel Database
Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Origin and early years[]

Pandora, in Greek mythology, the first woman. After Prometheus stole fire from Olympus and gave it to mankind, Zeus decided to punish the mortals by sending them Pandora. He also gave her a "Box" which was actually a "Urn" containing all manner of misery and evil. He told her to never open it. Zeus sent her to Epimetheus who made Pandora his wife. She afterwards opened the box, from which the evils flew out over the Earth. Hope alone remained inside, the lid having been shut down before she could escape.[1]

Pandora was exiled to an island in the Pacific ages ago after defying the will of Zeus and unleashing all the evils in the world from her black box.[2]

Then, the Eternal sorcerer Sersi, under the identity of Circe, gathered the evils back into the Box and shut it with a spell.[3]

20th century[]

In the 20th century, a shipwreck survivor named Dan Harper found himself washed up on Pandora's island and she tricked him into opening the box for her once more, unleashing a monster which she intended to use to conquer the world. Harper, however, escaped to Australia and returned with mirrors with which he surrounded Pandora, shattering the illusion of beauty she projected and revealing her true age. Pandora, unable to bear the sight of herself, agreed to return her creature to the box in return for the removal of the mirrors. Pandora's box was buried in a secret location by the Australian authorities, but Pandora remained on her island, comforted by her illusion of beauty once more.[2]

While on a camping vacation to Shadow Mountain, George Ashton encountered Pandora. Although initially tricked into releasing one of the monsters within her cursed box, George defeated Pandora by revealing her true appearance in the reflection of one of his well-shined cooking pans, forcing her to retrieve the Thing in the Black Box.[4]



Pandora is apparently immortal, though not ageless.


Pandora can't stand her reflection, showing her her true face defiled by the ages.[5]



See Also

Links and References

