Marvel Database


Elijah Bradley (Earth-616) from Young Avengers Vol 1 4 001

Eli Bradley's shield

Eli Bradley's Shield[]

Patriot wields a shield that is a replica of Captain America's original shield. It was given to him by Hawkeye, when he had to return Captain America's original shield back to him.[1] It resembles the traditional shield found in the Seal of the United States. Due to being a replica, it can be assumed to be made from steel instead of Vibranium.[1]

Rayshaun Lucas's Shield[]

When Steve Rogers revealed himself to be Hydra and seized firm control of the United States of America thanks to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Act, Rayshaun Lucas ended up getting a secret file which explained what Kobik had done to rewrite Captain America's history. Shaun reached out to the Underground and he gave the files to the Tony Stark A.I..[2]

To thank Shaun for restoring his hope, Tony grabbed Shaun's designs for a new Patriot and built him a new shield that is also a glider and a drone.[3]

See Also

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