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Marvel Database

Quote1 'Lie by the grave,' the woman said. Thank Heavens for homonyms! Right, all you demons. I'm doing this my way. My real name's Patsy Walker and I was insanely popular in high school. And I get everything I ask for and some things I don't. And I always wanted to be a super hero. And everybody loves me. Quote2

Appearing in "Snowball Effect, Part 3"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Talking stone calendar
  • Manslayer
  • Monster polar bear
  • Spirit of Patsy Walker


  • Pete

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Snowball Effect, Part 3"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

Patsy Walker is in WAY over her head. As the sole member of the Initiative supporting Alaska, you'd think she'd have an easy time. You'd be wrong. She's on a mission to find the heir to the magical shamanic realm of Attakpanik, but she's closer to sinking the whole continental shelf and taking Tony Stark and S.H.I.E.L.D. down with her.

See Also

Links and References

