Marvel Database
The designation "Earth-TRN1046" used in this article is an unofficial Temporary Reality Number assigned by our wiki exclusively for internal archival purposes until an official designation is provided by Marvel.
(For more information on TRNs, go to this page).


Spiderman is a superhero. His past story possibly parallels to some point that of his Earth-616 counterpart, with the variations due to the tongue-in-cheek, fourth-wall-breaking nature of Earth-TRN1046. Spiderman was particularly famous as a superhero and there were magazines named about him.[1] At some point in his career, he met Vindicador.[2] At another point in his career, Spiderman fought villain Dr. Orctopus, who had powerful mechanical arms. Orctopus used these arms to pull up half of the Empire State Building, aiming to use it as a throwing blunt weapon against Spiderman. Spiderman immediately used his webs to cover Orctopus's face and defeated him.[3]

In Christmas '87, Comics Forum, the company printing Marvel Comics in Spain, arranged for the superheroes to congratulate the readers for Christmas in a card. Newcoming superhero Superioribus hogged the microphone after giving his line, intent on singing a Christmas carol to the readers. The superheroes just behind him (including Spiderman, who was just behind him) booed at Superioribus, as they wanted their chance to address the readers too.[4] Superioribus then became a reader of Spiderman's magazine.[1]

Spiderman met with Superioribus and another fellow superhero, Capitán América, at a café bar to exchange funny stories about his superheroics. Spiderman told them about how he defeated Doctor Orctopus during the Empire State Building event. Superioribus then explained how he digged through the Earth to reach Japan quickly to answer a threat there - then was required to cover the hole again, something that Spiderman found amousing. Jan, a human-looking comic-book artist, entered the café, and Superioribus asked him for a funny story; Jan then explained that the editor was asking him for better comic pages, which he was failing to deliver, leaving him in trouble. This left the three heroes bewildered.[3]

At one point, Superioribus was approached by a small kid who naïvely believed to be stronger than Superioribus because, as requested by his older relatives, the kid always finished off up his Tola-Tao and La Vaca Que Llora teso; Superioribus armwrestled the kid and let him win so as to promote his lifestyle. Iron Man joined other superheroes, including la Antorcha Humana, Capitán América, la Cosa, and Iron Man, reprimanding Superioribus for discreting the whole trade and accused him of looking for Tola-Tao and La Vaca Que Llora sponsorships.[5]

At a later point, Spiderman was notified of a bank assault, and decided to take care of it. En route, he coincided with Vindicador, clearly going to stop the same crime Spiderman had chosen, and criticised his fellow superhero. They were both overtaken by Puck, who declared this was his case; but immediately Ave Nevada, in her owl form, arrived to say the same and stop Puck. They started arguing, being immediately joined by Iron Man and Ojo de Halcón, but then Superioribus said that he was to solve the situation solo, without any argument. The other superheroes joined forces to debate against Superioribus, but then Superioribus broke the fourth wall by showing the story's title, thus proving that he was the protagonist. Vindicador and the other superheroes begrudgingly allowed Superioribus to leave, accusing him of rudeness and minimising the event, while Superioribus believed they were just jealous - but they had taken so much time arguing, that the police had already arrested the thieves without superhero help.[2] However, Spiderman made peace with Superioribus soon afterward.[6]

Later, Spiderman attended to the Sainz Laurenz parade of models showing new, spectacular designs for superhero costumes and uniforms. He sat to drink a glass of champagne with Superioribus and Spider-Woman,[6] both of whom had been in the previous debate on the bank assault.[2] Spiderman suggested that Superioribus's style would agree with a certain antimatter-based pink dress, but Superioribus was afraid it would go beyond his budget. Spiderwoman accused Superioribus of lacking style.[6]



He does have his typical webs,[3] which he uses to swing around[2] or to cover an enemy's face.[3]



Seemingly those of the Spider-Man of Earth-616.


  • In
    Peter Parker (Earth-TRN1046), Superioribus (Earth-TRN1046) from X-Patrol (ES) Vol 5 74 001

    Superioribus holds the "Spdier" magazine.

    Spanish comic-books, since as early as 1969 with Ediciones Vértice, Spider-Man's name was changed to "Spiderman" without the hyphen, something that was kept; ocassionally, he's described as "el Hombre Araña", only as a epitheth, not as his main name (e.g. the 1978 movie Spider-Man Strikes Back was translated as Spiderman: El Hombre Araña en acción). This character's name was kept as Spiderman.
  • The magazine that Superioribus reads on the street is named only "Spider" (apparently because the full name was too long to fit in a small magazine in a panel), and in one panel there's a typo and it's named "Spdier". It shows a portrait of the typical Earth-616 Spider-Man, in his black suit, not showing the eyes or the nose bulge.[1]


  • This character's uniform has several differences with Spider-Man's typical uniform (beyond the obvious prominent nose that is seen). It shows the user's eyes, it does not have a spider drawn on the chest,[2] and the big spider on the back changes between panels, sometimes showing a laughing mouth[3] or creepy eyes.[6]

See Also

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