Marvel Database
The designation "Earth-TRN734" used in this article is an unofficial Temporary Reality Number assigned by our wiki exclusively for internal archival purposes until an official designation is provided by Marvel.
(For more information on TRNs, go to this page).

Quote1, he's an idiot? Quote2
War Machine[src]



This version of Peter Quill, alias "Star-Lord", is a temporal divergence of his Earth-199999 counterpart, sharing his history up until 2014, when he had gone rogue from the Ravagers and had picked up a contract to acquire a special orb on Morag, which unbeknownst to him contained the destructive Power Stone.[1][2]

Encountering the Avengers[]

In 2023 of the prime timeline, after the mad Titan Thanos achieved his goal of killing half of all life and erased the Infinity Stones from existence, Earth's primary superhero team, the Avengers, traveled through time via the Quantum Realm to divergent realities to retrieve the Stones and restore everyone to life. War Machine and Nebula traveled to Quill's divergent reality to retrieve the Power Stone before the bounty hunter could get it as he had in the prime timeline.

When War Machine and Nebula arrived on Morag, they watched as Star-Lord danced to his music as he made his way to the Stone. The two mocked him for his foolish behavior and quickly knocked him out, allowing them to take the Power Stone for themselves back to 2023, later being returned to this divergent reality by Captain America to keep this divergent timeline stable and safe.[1]


See Also

Links and References

