Marvel Database


Phaedor was the head of the Kree Supreme Science Council. He had Arides taken from his parents Falzon and Murius as a child and experimented on the boy for 20 years. He gave him the identity Shatterstar and inducted him into the Supreme Intelligence's Personal Service Corps.[1] He was also responsible for sending Arides to Earth to recover the Inhumans.[2]

The Supreme Intelligence later learned one of the 4 members of his inner circle was a Skrull but did not know which one. Phae-Dor was one of the 4 suspects along with Nenora, Nullet and Tus-Katt. Phae-Dor told the Supreme Intelligence he was a fool to suspect him. The Supreme Intelligence later killed Nullet when in fact Nenora was the Skrull.[3] Nenora later ruled the Kree empire after the Silver Surfer drove the Supreme Intelligence mad.[4]

See Also

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