Marvel Database

Quote1 Violence is sometimes it's own reward, m'man. Quote2
Luke Cage

Appearing in "Welcome to Security City"

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Synopsis for "Welcome to Security City"

Luke and D.W. Griffith are heading to California to find Claire Temple, however their bus is attacked by armed men and the bus driver killed. After Luke quickly defeats the men, they find a town called Security City. A town fortified from the outside world where the xenophobic people are protected by armed guards.

Entering the town, they are captured and learn that it's run by Luke's old foe Gideon Mace. Mace had survived their last encounter and with an army of armed men took over this town and turned it into Security City. Under the false pretense of creating the ultimate gated community, Mace in reality hoped to condition the people of the city to do his bidding. This bout of exposition for the benefit of Cage and Giffith proves to be Gideon's undoing, as Griffith had turned on the city-wide sound system allowing all the people of Security City to hear Gideon's plot. This causes the people of Security City to revolt and riot against Gideon and his army. This gives Luke and D.W. the opportunity to break free and flee the city, leaving the people of Security City to deal with Gideon and his men on their own.


  • This issue features a letters page, Comments to Cage. Letters are published from Chris Huber and Dennis Perry.

See Also

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