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Quote1 Sayonara Baby! Seeya in traction! Quote2
Luke Cage

Appearing in "Chemistro Is Back! Deadlier Than Ever!"

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Synopsis for "Chemistro Is Back! Deadlier Than Ever!"

Luke Cage returns to his office one day to find that the floor to his office has been turned to glass as a warning by Big Brother to stay out of his operations. Luke believes the culprit is his old foe Chemistro. Luke continues to foul Big Brother's operations, which get bolder and bolder.

When Luke is visiting Noah in the hospital, he is once more attacked by Chemistro, who manages to get away. When Luke realizes that Curtis Carr is still in the hospital recovering in the hospital. Carr tells Luke that he's done straight, but while doing time in prison, Carr was forced by fellow prisoner Arch Morton to reveal the secrets of the Chemistro gun. However, when he completed the gun it blew up giving Morton the gun's abilities in his left hand.

Tracking down Chemistro again and battling him on a rooftop, Luke Cage soon finds himself at a disadvantage when Chemistro changes the surface of the roof into quicksand which threatens to drown Luke.

This story is continued next issue...

See Also

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