Marvel Database

Quote1 Ever the braggart, Cage? Ever the arrogant pup! Quote2
Gideon Mace

Appearing in "The Death of Luke Cage!"

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Synopsis for "The Death of Luke Cage!"

Continued from last issue... With Goldbug having fled his damaged flier, Luke Cage and Thunderbolt work together to prevent the craft from crashing on a crowd of people, and flee the scene before the police can question them. Luke returns to his office to be harassed by the Oliver P. Sneagle of the IRS. Realizing any audit done on him by the IRS may reveal his true identity, Luke decides that it's bet to leave New York and take up a new identity.

Deciding to become "Mark Lucas", he leaves New York for Chicago. On the train, he is recognized by Gideon Mace who is also riding the train and the two are locked in a brief battle until Luke is knocked from the train. Luke is later picked up by a woman named Burgundy, who offers Luke a place to wash up and new clothes and offers him a new job with her employer. However this turns out to be a trap, because Burgundy's boss turns out to be none other than Gideon Mace himself.

This story is continued next issue...


  • This issue features a letters page, Comments to Cage. Letters are published from Edward B. Via, Jerry King, and Peter Petruski, II.


See Also

Links and References

