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Quote1 Look, Queen Snark! See? This is what you think now! Snarks love everyone! All they wanna do is spread love and happiness and cuteness throughout outer space! And you will buy me a pony. Quote2
Katie Power

Appearing in "The Annihilation Effect"

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Synopsis for "The Annihilation Effect"

Jack gets to tell the final part of the story, and after first trying to make himself look like the fearless leader that led his team to victory, he tells Franklin how things actually went:

At Project PEGASUS, guardsman O'Brien realizes the danger and tries to make Carmody shut down the Annihilator, but Carmody is too stubborn to give up his only working Annihilator and shuts him out of the room. Before O'Brien can blast the door open, he is called outside by the other guardsmen. Alex, Julie, Katie and Jack have arrived at Project PEGASUS and explain the whole situation. Fortunately, at that moment the Snarks attack Project Pegasus to steal the Annihilator, giving Alex the proof he needs to verify his story. While O'Brien and the other guardsmen fight off the invading Snarks, the four kids rush into the building to secure the Annihilator. After fighting off some other Guardsmen along the way, they reach the Annihilator and combine all their powers to lift the device out off the building and throw it into space, effectively saving Earth. In the proces, Alex comes up with their new teamname; Power Pack.

With the Annihilator gone, Power Pack returns to Friday to see if Friday has managed to restore their parents' memories, only to find themselves face to face with Queen Meraud. The team fights her off, and uses Fridays mind probe device against her to wipe her memory. Remembering what she saw on board the nestship, Katie then uses some crayon drawings to make Meraud believe the Snarks are a peaceful an all-loving race, turning her into a pacifist. The Snarks are defeated and the Synod of Patchworld ackknowledge Power Pack's heroics. Mr. and Mrs. Powers turn out to be fine since Friday restored their memories, except for the Annihilation formula and the part about being captured by the Snarks. At Project PEGASUS, Carmody is arrested for his part in the near-destruction of Earth.

Here the flashback ends. The following morning Dr. Power finds his kids and Franklin on the roof, and grounds them for it. Which means they can't help fight off an alien invasion, much to Jacks anger. Alex offers Franklin to tell him about the time they teamed up with the Legion of Monsters, but Franklin passes.

Appearing in "Power Focus #4: Density"

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Synopsis for "Power Focus #4: Density"

Jack tells the reader about the science behind density and his powers, and pulls a practical joke on Katie.


This issue further implies that "Power Pack: Day One" is indeed a retcon compared to the events shown in Power Pack Volume 3 1. Alex states that they did not come up with their individual super hero names until Halloween, while in "Power Pack Volume 3 1", which is set just after the summer, they already had their superhero names.

See Also

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