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Quote1 Callisto -- and me? You're... kidding?!? Quote2

Appearing in "Underground!"

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Synopsis for "Underground!"

The kids return to the storm drain to retrieve the school books they left behind in the previous issue. They also brought the kitten because Margaret Power wouldn't let the kids keep it, so they hoped to find a home for it. As they arrive, they are suddenly ambushed by a group of Morlocks, mutant outcasts that live together in a tunnel system beneath New York. Alex and Katie are rendered unconscious while Julie and Jack are held inside Ape, a Morlock that had transformed himself into a giant walking jar.

Meanwhile, Nightcrawler and Kitty Pryde are sent to deliver messages and gifts to select Morlocks who had recently helped the X-Men. Lockheed is also with them, and he notices Ape with the children. His noseyness gives Julie and Jack an opportunity to escape, which catches the attention of Nightcrawler. Kurt doesn't know why these kids are involved or what is going on, but when they have a chance, Nightcrawler takes Kitty Pryde aside to investigate further.

Julie and Jack manage to free Alex and Katie, and they almost escape. However, Leech shows up and cancels everyones' power. The kids are recaptured and learn why: Analee, a Morlock, lost her kids, and in order to replace them, the Power kids are to be brainwashed and have their faces altered by Masque.

The kids make another escape with Julie taunting Leech into chasing her so the others can use their powers. That's when Nightcrawler and Kitty Pryde show up and fight beside the kids. Katie even absorbs a blast that was meant for Nightcrawler.

They win the battle, but they can't decide what to do about Analee and her partners in the kidnapping. So, they leave to report the incident to Callisto and Storm, letting them decide. Finally, Kitty says, "How much more trouble can they get into before morning?"

The story continues in Uncanny X-Men #195...

See Also

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