Marvel Database

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Katie Power

Appearing in "Kurse"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Kurse

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Kurse"

The Beyonder had created a creature called Kurse and let him loose in New York. Franklin knew all this because of a "special dream" but Jarvis stopped him from going out to warn Power Pack. Kurse caused a lot of destruction and among his victims was Margaret Power, the Power kids' mother. The Beyonder, who was beginning to play at being a hero came along and took her to the hospital. He also rounded up the kids who, not knowing that the Beyonder created Kurse in the first place, thought the Beyonder was a great person. The kids set out to stop Kurse before he could hurt anyone else. In the battle, a building was destroyed but Kurse was temporarily trapped.

The issue ended with Kofi deciding to return home to reconcile with his father. Also the kids talked about how miserable Thanksgiving was going to be and Katie got an idea.

See Also

Links and References

