Marvel Database

Appearing in "Your Tax Dollar$ at Work"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Herman Wiese


Races and Species:



Synopsis for "Your Tax Dollar$ at Work"

Frank Castle and whistle-blower Herman Wiese, aboard the Piranha, are stuck below the USS sub Percival and get an order from a Captain Lustig to surrender. Pretending to be a Soviet defector, Frank radios back that he'll surface with his prisoner Herman Wiese. He tells the puzzled Wiese to make copies of his damaging files and get ready to set up the Piranha to detonate if entered, and that he has a plan for when he gets aboard the Percival.

Morse is called away from hosting a party for a Senator Power and call girls to meet with Admiral Fairfax who tells him abut the Piranha and the Russian officer. Fairfax tells Morse that he has a clandestine agent aboard the Piranha that will kill both Wiese and the Russian once they're on the Percival. Morse's aide Barry asks Fairfax not to tell Morse any more details.

A small boat with frogmen is sent to pick up Frank and Herman but Frank gets the drop on them and leaves them on the sub as he and Herman don wetsuits to be able to board the Percival. Once aboard he holds a gun on the Captain and tells him not to enter the Piranha or it will blow, and to send for a helicopter to pick up his men left outside the sub. Frank lays out the whole ugly truth to the captain as Wiese begins a radio broadcast to alert everyone to what's been going on with Underwater Boat Company and its C.E.O. Robert Morse.

Fairfax, alerted to the broadcast, orders a jam on all radio broadcasts from the northeast coast, and has Morse join him. After a brief interruption from a drunk Senator Power and one of the call girls, Fairfax and Morse listen as Wiese starts to broadcast about the substandard materials but then he is cut off by the radio jam. Morse suggests to Fairfax that the Percival is expendable as a last resort.

On the Percival, Frank tells the Captain to submerge and use the Navy's low-frequency signal to radio the Navy to continue the broadcast. Captain Lustig may be coming around when they notice another hunter-killer sub, the Casey, rapidly approaching and not answering the Percival's call. Frank tells him they've been sent to take them out to stop the broadcast. Frank tries a desperate gambit - knowing the Casey can monitor their actions, he has the Captain prepare to launch a nuclear missile at Morse's house in Connecticut. With that, the President gets involved and when he figures out what's going on, relieves Fairfax of his command, orders the Casey to stand down, and restores radio communications. Fairfax knows it's over for him and blows his brains out, inviting Morse to do the same.

Frank tells the Captain he should get copies of Wiese's reports out to everyone and asks him for scuba suits for Wiese and him so they can make their getaway after they disarm the detonation on the Piranha. Hovering helos announce they see two hijackers about to board the Piranha followed by a detonation, which destroys the sub.

Later, on shore, as they listen to reports on the radio that the President is looking into widespread Pentagon graft, Frank tells Wiese to pick a new name and he'll get him into Frank's own version of witness protection.

Solicit Synopsis

The Punisher's dramatic bid to expose U.S. government procurement corruption causes a corrupt general to declare total war on the Punisher!

See Also

Links and References

