Appearing in "Purgatory, Part 1: The Harvest"
Featured Characters:
- ⏴ Punisher (Frank Castle) ⏵ (Main story and flashback)
Supporting Characters:
- Lucy Mellace (First appearance) (Main story and flashback)
- Grigori ⏵ (First appearance)
- ⏴ Hellstorm (Daimon Hellstrom) ⏵
- Drug Dealers
- Nelson (First appearance; dies)
- Diego (First appearance; dies)
- Vince Tucci (First appearance; dies)
- ⏴ Olivier ⏵ (Main story and flashback)
- Stalkers (First appearance)
- Tony Mellace (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Justin Randall
- Justin Randall's Mother (Mentioned)
- Captain America (Steven Rogers) (Mentioned)
- Justin Randall's Stepfather (Mentioned)
- Old Man
- Eddie Dobbs
- NYPD (Mentioned)
- God (Mentioned)
- Kaminsky
- Ashley
- Lucifer (Mentioned)
- Demons (Only in flashback)
- Frank Costa's Mother (Only in flashback)
- Doctor (Only in flashback)
- Mephisto (Mentioned)
- Satannish (Mentioned)
- Mike Santini (Mentioned)
- Maria Castle (Illusion or holographic simulation)
- Frank Castle, Jr. (Illusion or holographic simulation)
- Lisa Castle (Illusion or holographic simulation)
- New York City, NY
- Brooklyn (Main story and flashback)
- Punisher's Shrine
- Jusko Bakery (Mentioned)
- Randall Apartment
- Crackhouse (Destroyed)
- Church of Saint Tarcisius (First appearance)
- Mellace Apartment
- Milton's (First appearance)
- Brooklyn (Main story and flashback)
- Hell (Only in flashback)
- Vietnam (Only in flashback)
- Heaven (Mentioned)
- Sunglasses
- Photograph of Tony Mellace
- Wine
- Suitcase
- Baseball Bat
- Drugs
- Door
- Guns
- Rocket Launcher
- Flamethrower
- Fire Hoses
- Knives
- Cigarette
- Ice Cream Cone
- Bread
- Tariel's Feather
- Fire Engines
Synopsis for "Purgatory, Part 1: The Harvest"
- Synopsis not yet written