Marvel Database

Quote1 Low in the stomach. Your guts'll fill up with sh_t. You'll die of blood poisoning, maybe take a couple of nights to do it. No one'll hear you, way out here. You made it personal, Cavella. But all that buys you is a little more pain than most. Quote2
Punisher (Frank Castle)

Appearing in "Up Is Down and Black Is White, Conclusion"

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Synopsis for "Up Is Down and Black Is White, Conclusion"

After killing Teresa, Castle and O'Brien get ready to find and kill Nicky. After walking out of Roth's apartment they see Nicky driving by and shoot out his tires. After a tense stand-off Nicky gives up and Castle puts him in the trunk of his car. He takes him to the woods and shoots him in the stomach leaving him to succumb to his own wounds or the animals that are sure to come.

See Also

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