Marvel Database

Quote1 Everything in moderation. Quote2
Punisher (Frank Castle)

Appearing in "Man of Stone, Part Four"

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Synopsis for "Man of Stone, Part Four"

It's high noon in the mountains of Afghanistan. As Frank Castle and Kathryn O'Brien square off against General Nikolai Alexandrovich Zakharov – a.k.a. "The Man of Stone" – and a battalion of Russian Marines. The Punisher is boxed in, outmanned – just the way he likes it.


  • One of the past relationships that O'Brien reminiscence is named "Tommy." This is a reference to Tommy Monaghan, aka Hitman, from Garth Ennis' Hitman series published by DC Comics. This also implies that O'Brien is Kathryn McAllister, who is one of Tommy's love interests.

See Also

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