Marvel Database

Quote1 We're at war, Frank, and propaganda is the front line. It's Norman's oxygen. His armor. But if you were to find the cracks? Quote2
Henry Russo

Appearing in "Living in Darkness, Part 2"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Ken (First appearance) (EGL News reporter) (As a hologram)
  • Oscorp (Mentioned)



Synopsis for "Living in Darkness, Part 2"

Frank wakes up not knowing where he is. He confronts the man who saved him and patched up his injuries. We find out the man is a friend and a technology specialist/hacker Henry Russo. He knows Osborn isn't what the public thinks he is and wants the Punisher to help him expose the criminal underbelly Osborn's involved with. With Henry's intel Frank takes down arms dealers, human traffickers and the like. We end with The Hood vowing to end these disruptions to his operations.

Solicit Synopsis


Frank Castle is losing the war. Organized crime has New York City in a death grip that, thanks to the powerful propaganda machine of the corrupt new government, is being swept under the rug. To stem this dark tide, Frank Castle must embrace new tactics, embarking on a bloody public campaign that will expose the dark underbelly of the supposedly squeaky-clean regime to the world, and a new sidekick, who'll help him get out the message. Who would be stupid enough to team up with the Punisher now that his rifle is pointed squarely at the biggest villains in the Marvel Universe? The answer will turn the Punisher into the most proficient villain killer in town!


  • This story is reprinted Punisher Dark Reign and Punisher Rick Remender Omnibus.


THe cover is a homage to Punisher #3

See Also

Links and References

