Marvel Database

Quote1 Well, according to an eight billion year old being, I'm protector of the universe. I'm also a reserve Avenger and an all-around nice guy. Quote2

Appearing in "Whose War is This Anyway?"

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Synopsis for "Whose War is This Anyway?"

In the Dimension of Manifestations, Quasar and Contemplator observe the catatonic Eternity. Contemplator teleports Quasar back to Earth. He then encounters a meeting of Abstracts and cosmic entities.

Quasar arrives at Four Freedoms Plaza. He speaks with Captain America, and joins the expeditionary force to discover the source of mysterious energy emissions.

On the planet Scadam, the Chief Examiner speaks with Kayla and Holly. He asks Kayla to surrender her "vast, unfathomable" energy powers to him, in exchange for sending her home. However, the power overloads his synthesizing device and destroys the Chief Examiner. The Black Fleet arrives and attacks the planet.

The expeditionary force finds Thanos and the Infinity Watch. Quasar surrounds them in a containment shield. He assesses the situation with Captain America and Professor X. However, Thanos breaks through the shield, and a battle ensues. Quasar faces off against Adam Warlock.

Meanwhile, in the Dimension of Manifestations, Contemplator encounters Magus and Anthropomorpho creating doppelgangers.

Back on Scadam, Kayla tries to access her power to defend against the Black Fleet. It appears to destroy her instead.


This story takes place during Infinity War #3 and Infinity War #4

See Also

Links and References

