Raa was a caveman from from a tribe known as the Hill-Dwellers, a skilled hunter, who sought to find a worthy foe, he had long since tired of battling sabertooths.
Raa was defeated in battle by Kang the Conqueror and became a member of his Anachronauts.
Raa was killed by the forces of Immortus while defending Kang's capital of Chronopolis.[1]Attributes
Raa had what appeared to be a fragment of the Bloodgem embedded in his chest, which would presumably grant him the same enhanced strength and toughness, healing powers and immortality as it did Ulysses Bloodstone himself.
Raa was an incredibly skilled hunter and warrior.
Raa carried a spear, and once while training was seen to carry an advanced laser pistol of some kind.
It seems fairly obvious that Raa is supposed to be Ulysses Bloodstone from an earlier time.