The Ranshi Empire existed in a future timeline in which humanity had established a galactic empire. Whose origin could be traced to an incident in the late 20th century, in which Randall Shire's assassination was stopped by Cable. He would go on to establish a single global nation-state. During the following centuries, humanity conquered the galaxy in his name. Two thousand years from the 20th century, the Ranshi Empire stretched from one end of the galaxy to the other. An empire that was ruled by mutants.[1]
Then the Ranshi Emperor was warned by three mysterious strangers that events occurring twenty centuries in the past threatened the empire's existence. That the Ranshi Empire was one of two possible timelines, with Harmony being the other one. Unlike the Ranshi, those of Harmony came from a timeline in which an anti-mutant crusade brought about by Randall Shire's murder, resulting in the extermination of mutants and a mutant-free human utopia on Earth. The two timelines then went to war with each other.[2]
To preserve their timeline, operatives of the Ranshi Empire, went into the past to prevent Randsall Shire's assassination. At the same time, operatives of the Harmony timeline, did the same. Among the Ranshi operatives was Sandella Ranshi and among the Harmony operatives was Eyla Cire, both dimensional counterpart's of Cable's dead wife, Aliya Dayspring. The Ranshi and Harmony time traveling teams ended going into battle, which stopped upon Cable's intervention. Both sides appealed to him to save their timeline at the expense of the other timeline.[3]
The timeline ceased to exist the moment that Cable prevented Randall Shire's death yet also discredited him. Therefore destroying both the Ranshi timeline and that of the Harmony timeline.[4] The two time-ships were not destroyed and their respective crews were not erased from the timeline. It was decided by the Ranshi and Harmony teams to join forces and forge a new future timeline together.[5]