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Appearing in "The Sea That Steals!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Pirates
    • Vulmar
    • Brandus

Other Characters:

Synopsis for "The Sea That Steals!"

Red Sonja and her sister arrive with their employer, the Lord Daquius. After a disastrous meeting with King Yildiz where Daquius brings out an idol of a banned god, Sonja feels a strange premonition that the idol is of the same goddess who has demanded Sonja's chastity. Sonja and Daquius leave the meeting only to witness a pirate being whipped in the street. Daquius reveals to Sonja and Zora that his brother is the pirate Kirkos, who attacked their ship only to call off the assault in the previous issue. Kirkos was accused of treason and exiled, which led to him becoming a pirate. Sonja extracts the location of Kirkos' jail from locals at a tavern. While springing him from jail, a battle ensues. Meanwhile Zora looks upon the idol due to a blonde girl named Merina. Pirates kidnap Merina, after Zora falls unconscious upon seeing the idol. When Zora awakens, she searches for Merina and the idol, which Zora believes is the male counterpart to the goddess worshipped by her tribe. Zora finds the piratse and attacks them, but falls into a hole leading to a cavern where she is haunted by ghosts. Sonja's rescue goes awry when the pirates betray her and toss her into the same pit where Zora is. The pirate captain recognizes the cursed idol and has his men throw it into the pit with Zora and Sonja. Sonja sees visions of her family, then kills the god in the pit. After the hostage Merina sees Kirkos, she calls him Brandus, and the crew realizes they have made a mistake in kidnapping his niece. Following this, a battle ensues between the Turan and the pirates, and the pirates flee to sea. In the battle, Daquius and Zora are killed. Merina stays with Brandus to become a pirate, after using her archery skills to avenger her father, and he calls her Valeria. We are then told that she will become a she-pirate named Valeria of the Red Brotherhood and encounter Conan the Barbarian in the future.

See Also

Links and References




  • Swords and daggers
  • Bows and arrows

| Notes =

  • Plot by Marx, script by Thomas.

| Trivia = This is the final issue of the two issue try out series.

  • The final page has a teaser for the next issue, which would be published months later in a new volume.

| Recommended =

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